Wed 1 Feb, 2017 05:45 pm
According to a broadcast I just saw a pert of. Going to look for more information.
A tweet of an hour ago.
Naomi KleinVerified account
Naomi Klein Retweeted The Intercept
As tanks roll in on Standing Rock. This is beyond shameful.
All I could uncover, they shut down attempts to set up another camp.
Lakota People's Law Project
BREAKING: CHASE IRON EYES ARRESTED AND BEING HELD. This morning, LPLP attorney Chase IronEyes and a group of approximately 40 #WaterProtectors lit a sacred fire and established the new "Last Child's Camp", on high ground near the #DAPL construction site. Later in the day, militarized police dismantled the HWY 1806 barricade and assembled at the end of the road. This evening, armed officers moved in, cleared the camp, and arrested a number of the peaceful and prayerful protectors—including Chase
Kudos to the city of Seattle
On Wednesday, Seattle's Affordable Housing, Neighborhoods and Finance Committee voted unanimously to forward a bill to pull $3 billion from DAPL lender Wells Fargo to the full City Council. This follows a Tuesday announcement that the U.S Army Corps of Engineers will issue an easement allowing them to begin the last stages of construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline.