Why not propose that this planet is similar to earth was 350 million years (+/-14 yrs next Tuesday). There were "tree like giant plants ) like an Equisetum or other early gymnosperms, OR q planet considerably younger than a Triassic aged earth.
The big tree like plqnts were these "horsetails" or even Bqmboos . The reasons the grew so big and unusual was that their structure cells (called palisades) , were loded with SILICA .
The giant plants were, pound for pound , many times stronger than steel and the silica polymers often left little nodules that were like sand particles.
You coul make an entire world with those characteristics.
1The tree like plqnts could be over 50M tall
2Theyd be super strong and entire villages could be built up in the heights (as long as the dwellers had a way to fasten cross members to serve as floor joists)
3they were light
4they were hollow so a tree could be turned into a "tower" with an internal stairway.
5.Evryone had to scamper up th trees for protection against the indigenous things that liked the taste of whatever your dwellers tasted like.
6 MAybe the entire life of that planet was silica based, its possible. Carbon doesnt have an exclusive. Look at bamboo, its 75% carbon based and about 15% silica, but all the strength is from the elongated pre-stressed silica crystalline palisade cells.
There was an old Sci Fi book written before I was a kid . It was called "Day of the Triffids"
and these were silica based life forms