What determines intelligence?

Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2017 04:08 pm
What determines intelligence?
Just for the sake of backdrop, I'm a 15 year old-Italian ancestry born in El Salvador kid (which has nothing to do with the question, but by golly!), now, I'm a curious kid, my curiosity has sort of always driven me to seek answers for what I desire to know. This is why I recently took and IQ test, hoping that would fulfill my vacuum that had been left by the fact that I wanted to know my potential, a final, analytical, number, a statistic. Now, I scored 122, which is conspicuously superb, however it bothers me that inside of me, that is, with my logic, I've been quibbling. Inside of me, in my brain, I've always thought of myself as a genius, I still do, however the IQ test did not provide the nourishment that I expected. And it's not being delusional, or not wanting to accept the scores, it is simply that I'm frazzled as to how would one know whether they're a genius or simply an intelligent person? Being able to regurgitate things day in and day out in school provides no insight as to the truth, nor did taking the test, however when you do say "I'm a genius", it starts sounding like when a schizophrenic person says that they have friends. This ambiguity, has left a rather humongous gaping hole in my brain, which I can't really seem to figure out quite well. As stated before, I've always thought of myself as a genius, it is just that I can't seem to figure out whether it is veridical or not, which contradicts what I've been stating before. Not having a definite answer bothers me, it just does, not having data, something to back it up has always bothered me, I am a cynic, it is just that when you get to the upper echelons of the intelligence spectrum it gets rather hard to determine where to place someone. Of course I'm not saying that I'm the next bloody Mr. McGenius who's going to invent some wondrous invention, type-of-deal, but simply that in the case that the IQ spectrum were to determine total intelligence, that I'd be in around the 130-140's. I'm a maverick, I'm curious, I like staying up late, I rely solely on facts and on what's (in my mind) truthful, I love history (especially Roman, Medieval, European history in general), I'm a pragmatist, I'm a goal-driven person, I talk to myself a lot of the time, something like a "inner-me", type of thing, not an alter ego or something by the sort, just the self-consciousness. "Now why would he state that", one might ask? "To showboat or to show off his traits?", No, it is simply because I've read some fabulous Buzzfeed articles stating that if you do some activities it equates to being a genius, and we all know that Buzzfeed is the tree of all knowledge (It is sarcasm by the way, don't know why I'm stating it, the people who will probably read this are adept, there is the off chance that 1 moron reads this, so this is for you). "And if you truly are a genius, then why are you doubting it? Aren't genius people the pillars of the world?" No, I suppose it's simply because I have doubts, I suppose my emotional IQ is rather garbage, I really do loathe that stereotype that genius people never question whether they're smart or not, as if they know every answer in the world when inside they have these doubts, like we all do. I like to draw up the case of my cousin, who I believe is very smart, has severe emotional issues, and is currently in the gutter, but god knows whoever is reading this does not want to drift off into that parabola. To sum it up, I'm sorry to whoever had to endure this, even though not really, I reckon it made someone chuckle at the poking fun at people part, but hell, I do hope somebody can provide me an answer, thanks to anyone and everyone who read this.
Best Regards,
Roberto G.

Now, that is something I typed a while back in some other random sites, not really hoping to get any answers as it is a rather intricate question that not many could answer, but I did hope that perhaps someone could. However, as of now, I've looked into other resources for research, and I tumbled across Howard Gardner's research, the "Multiple Intelligence Theory". Now this sounds like some sort of fad, something to make people who aren't really deemed "smart" to take it willy nilly and not question it further, however upon further reading, I unveiled that it is actually somewhat more veridic than what it could initially let off. Myself, I'd classify myself as an extremely self aware person, thus falling under the Intrapersonal intelligence, but see, when you say this in some random site called "able2know.org" it just ends up sounding rubbish, as if I was some sort of smart aleck, pretending that I was something that I'm not, which is untrue as I do feel I'm a self aware person, but yet describing it via text, and not done personally is a tad bit vexing. And then you see all these sorts of tests and hogwash that claim to determine your self awareness, your own intellect, via a few questions that could go either way, personally the self awareness tests are for ignoramus people, they provide no insight, almost as if it were a sham (which it probably is). Why would I need reassurance in myself if I know my own capabilities and limits? This is another strange point, seeing as how I am absolutely certain that I know who, and more pertinently, what, I am, but yet I feel not the need to seek reassurance from some random magazine site, but I just feel like I need some sort of empirical evidence. But then again, it is impossible to get empirical evidence from "self awareness", as it is determined by yourself, within yourself. It still puzzles me, as I attempt to give a logical answer for anything and everything, there must be a rational answer to every question, it sounds like a blanket statement, but is undeniably true. Could it simply be that the logical explanation for self awareness is simply gauged by yourself? I suppose that when typing this it does introspective, however it's not like it's incredibly difficult to act as an intrapersonal person, but then again that could be considered being self aware, as I know what any person would choose in these sorts of "tests", as if I know which options to click and which to leave left out, in order to get the desired outcome. After all, this is called the "self awareness forum", so I would expect someone to answer to this, even though there is no "real answer". I do realize I've gone off on a huge tangent by the way, the earlier paragraph as stated before was something I typed before, so after I examined Gardner's theory; I've concluded not much, but when saying that it just sounds off. See, for some reason it's as if I try to attempt to exhibit that I have an answer for all the questions in here, and admitting that I don't is not like flabbergasting, it's just to come off as a certain way here, as I presume that there'll be other self aware people reading through this and thinking "this poor sod" (obviously not thinking that, it's just a vernacular). And I've always been a self-confident person, I know I'm not the pinnacle of humanity or anything of the sorts, but at the same time I'm also caused anxiety by small things. Today, we went to some shopping center, at the cash register my grandma informed me that if I'd be so kind to go get her a Strawberry Sundae. I of course obliged, as I wasn't going to refuse some menial task, but there were 4 lines here. Anywho, I made the blasted line and after the waiting, some random dude next to me told me to order in the cash register (which I knew, so I just rather confused said "yeah, I know"). I asked for the bloody Sundae (not a U2 reference by the way), when I was making the line I realized that it was priced at 2.59, the man charged me 1.99. Conspicuous as it was, internally I thought "hey, this can't be right" (with some expletives, dunno if you get banned here for those). I didn't question it, because I very clearly said "Strawberry Sundae". Suddenly my grandma comes up behind me and reads the ticket, and says "hey this is a frozen, not a sundae" (something I knew but did not want to profess), and after that I could anxious. When I get anxious though, I'm not like those hyper-sensitive dolts that cry and get heavy breathing and blood curdling, I simply get anxious to high hell inside of me, but yet I remain equanimous throughout. I also let off a few more muttered swear words, this time under my breath, not in my mind. After that I felt like an idiot, which is something I despise; if there's something I hate, is looking like a buffoon, it's just that feeling of shame kills me, and yes I am full of pride for some reason, I don't display it like a pretentious jackass, but internally, somewhat. And right now, it is not that I'm worried, but I'm just uncertain of how this will come out, not anxious of it, just dazed by it, I have no idea whether it will come across or not (although I think it will). And when it comes to other types of intelligence, I would also rank myself high on verbal and musical, as of now that is irrelevant, just thought I'd mention it to pump my ego up (sarcasm, it's obvious, but pointing it out just in case) (sidenote: Being a 15 year old Salvadorean, I do consider my verbal abilities to be quite excellent, I do always strive to look for more words and the such, to expand my lexicon, but this is the self awareness forum, not the verbal ability forum). And when it comes to self awareness, is there really any way to "improve it" if it is an intelligence? I mean of course you can refine it, but it's not like someone that completely lacks it will suddenly improve it. Improving it connotes that it is innate in everyone, and I don't say that as to feel as if it belongs to a special niche of people to feel special, but because it is true that not everyone has it under their grasp. I guess the whole meaning of this is just self expressed in the contents of this little essay, I would appreciate any sort of discourse with somebody, as I've met only around 3 people that may have self awareness in my real life, and it is also incredibly odd for me to talk in this sense, as self awareness is burrowed beneath the self, so it is unable to be expressed unto an audience, I do feel like it is quite the Herculean task to do so whilst sounding rational, but I do feel like I did a good job (which contradicts what I said earlier about it being unclear, but I feel like I did ok). There's also lots of elements I feel I left out, but hey, like I said before, I welcome any answers. To clarify some doubts: No, when it comes to the famous "social scale" I'd rank myself in the middle-high (dividing it into low-low, low-medium, low-high, medium-low, you get the flow), in case there is anyone who thinks that I may have lack of self confidence, I have few "real" friends, as I like to keep my circle small, but I have loads of acquaintances that I greet and the such, the school etiquette. One thing I also am, is introverted, as in I'd much rather stay home and play some Europa Universalis 4 than go out to do some juvenile things. (which means exactly what you think it means, since here in El Salvador you can drink without any real repercussions) I have gotten drunk about 6-7 times in 2016, not piss drunk and black out, nor barfing, just really drunk, not quite happy, not quite past the point of no return (I've also never at all smoked anything, nor used any drugs, drugs meaning anything other than alcohol). By the way, deepest apologies for the length, and also, no, this wasn't some sort of catharsis.
View best answer, chosen by Wobs18
Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2017 04:40 pm
High intelligence is shown by the ability to make distinct paragraphs, rather than the wall-of-text approach, which causes the reader to lose patience and click the "back" button.
Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2017 04:45 pm
Really, I stopped reading your post about half way thru.

There are many forms of intelligence. The one that will get you the most far is Emotional Intelligence. Unless you can read other people, be empathetic, get along with them, work in a group, be resilient, and see joy and opportunity in life, it doesn't matter how smart you are.

There are many unhappy "geniuses" out there. Some real oddballs, too. (Research Unibomber. )

Develop your people skills. The rest will fall in place.

Good luck.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2017 04:56 pm
I mildly disagree, though I also despise walls of text. I take it that in this case, the poster doesn't know about that.

Putting discussions into related paragraphs is not always taught, or if it is, not well.
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Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2017 05:10 pm
I didn't read the entire thing. I didn't have to.

We see it all the time here with the I'm-so-intelligent-but-why-am-I-unhappy stories.

Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2017 05:35 pm
√deepest apologies for the length
Wobs no offense but great, long paras do discourage response

A whole lot of different factors determine intelligence, especially some associated with parents

Incidental remarks concerning readability:

My TAATANEs continually crit my reps but a more successful query might be more lavishly paragraphed (logically of course; while rearrangement might suggest opportunities to foreshorten); and separated by carrets each starting with tab; and intro para

They're right about 'carret' of course but surely not 'para' tho you're welcome to crit me for that capped expr

And Mgmt if you're listening, about tabs: Although saving restores 'em, why remove from OP
Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2017 05:35 pm
Apologising for the length, but is it not unproductive to simply dismiss it as a sob story? Rather than analyzing it? If you don't want to due to it's length, simply say so.

It is also not about caring to be seen smart, nor is it about unhappiness, I was simply looking for an answer, thanks for your patience by the way.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2017 05:38 pm
I know it takes a crap on redacting the thing, sorry.
Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2017 05:43 pm
Wobs it is I who should apologize; and no offense but "redact" doesn't quite work there

Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2017 06:04 pm
According to Merriam Webster: 1
:  to put in writing : https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/redact. Although, yes, I do see the trouble, in Spanish "redactar" is "write", so I should've simply said write. But anywho, it still means to put in writing, don't need to elaborate further I suppose. And when it comes to the walls of text, I did realize beforehand I did that, however I figured that if people didn't want to read it they simply wouldn't, it is something I wrote at 3 PM (the 2nd block of text) today whilst I was thinking. However it is no excuse for my clumsiness, but thanks for your response Dale.
Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2017 06:09 pm
thanks for your response
Why Wobs, not at all

no excuse for my clumsiness
Sure there is
0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2017 06:17 pm
What are taatanes?
Reply Mon 23 Jan, 2017 01:50 am
I don't see why it's so important for you to find something specific that tells you whether you're a genius or not ("empirical evidence"). It's unlikely that all geniuses are smart in the same way. It's also unlikely that true intelligence can be found in a set of standard criteria. I further speculate that geniuses are not likely to spend a good deal of their time wondering whether they are geniuses or trying to prove that they are.

You also need to keep in mind that natural intelligence can be hampered by emotional instability, insecurity, and any number of other psychological issues.

Your communication intelligence would be greatly improved if you learned about paragraphing. It's been mentioned here several times because we're writing, and communicating through the written word is indicative of a kind of intelligence.

When I started reading, I admit that I was dubious about your claim that an IQ of 122 is conspicuously superb. Not to my mind. I checked this out. 122 is considered better than average or somewhat superior.

I suggest that you stop worrying about how smart you are and take advantage of what you've got. Being smart is not always all it's cracked up to be.

Reply Mon 23 Jan, 2017 06:31 am
The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills shows the intelligence of an individual.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Jan, 2017 12:01 pm
Terribly Angry At all Times About Nearly Everything

If you Search you'll find many instances of its use but thanks for asking
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Reply Mon 23 Jan, 2017 08:45 pm
That's the miscomprehension about the whole two paragraphs though. I realized that it could've been interpreted in a variety of different ways, I could've come off as a pretentious cretin, as a doubtful individual, etc. I took the risk, as I figured that I'd get some sort of input from the internet (whether insulting, dismissive, optimistic, etc.). I never implied, much less outright stated that I was insecure of myself or of my intelligence (talking of it as a whole), whether you think that is true or not isn't really pertinent (as there is no way for you to tell other than by speculation). It was just the case that I wanted to figure out the ins and outs of the "being a genius" scenario. Of course never did I rule out that it could simply be either ego, denial, or other such characteristics that could hamper my thought-process.

And of course, I realize that I very clumsily, like an oaf, wrote a huge block of text without the necessary revision, there's several reasons for that, you may think that they're just excuses, but alas, they are also irrelevant. And when I said "conspicuously superb", it wasn't as much as it did sound, as I also stated I knew that I'm not some sort of intellectual tree that spouts insight at will, thus providing the dichotomy between the two. Hell, now you may think I may be talking out of my ass, I have no clue (since I don't know you).

When you say "I don't see why it's so important for you to find something specific that tells you whether you're a genius or not ("empirical evidence"). " To a certain degree, it is not the most crucial thing in my life as of now (so I'm saying that it was relevant to a certain extent), it was genuinely out of curiosity more so than because of insecurities, the thing is I consider myself to be a pragmatist, therefore I like everything that I take a stand on to be backed up by evidence (empirical evidence). Since there is no possible evidence for determining the "genius" factor, I took the test, hoping that it would give me answers. You can say it didn't give me the answers I expected (why I comprehend if you look at it as denial), and thus I asked the question of how exactly, and where does all intelligence come from. Sadly, from the responses, I reckon that it was misrepresented, as I've got people dumbing down things for me as if I can barely spell my name (primarily due to the bloody paragraphs, which I am making semi blocks of text, which I've already repented and received the criticism, to which I also have my reasons).

0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Jan, 2017 12:26 am
Well, you are verbally intelligent for sure.

That, and $1.75 will get you a cup of coffee unless you can channel it somewhere.

Oh, and it was ONE test. Don't bet your life on it.
  Selected Answer
Reply Tue 24 Jan, 2017 01:36 am
Intelligence is the ability to take in information and easily see how it relates as well as being able to discuss it in depth in several different ways.

However; there are seven basic types of intelligence. You might excel in one aspect but be an idiot in another.

I saw this video documentary on this guy who supposedly has the highest IQ in the world, but during the whole show I kept saying this guy is a moron.

Here is an example. He was a high-school senior for five years by his own choice and manipulation. So he could date high-school girls without being called a creep. Lol
Reply Tue 24 Jan, 2017 01:55 am
That's creepy.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Jan, 2017 09:04 am
Yeah, the "multiple intelligence" theory. At first I thought it was just a sore excuse for people to feel better about themselves (as there is a category involving existensial intelligence). It is sort of credible I suppose, after reading a synopsis of it. I believe the guy you're talking about is that dude who goes by Chris Langan(or Lannigan, dunno). Who has an IQ of 195, who was a bouncer, and did some more blue-collar jobs.

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