Frugal1 wrote:
Urban dwelling American blacks found out that they were not part of his (BHO's) orientation either.
But, on a lighter note, if BHO married a white woman, at his first campaign, would some white voters have wondered if he was "white enough" (similar to the question by some Black voters whether he was Black enough at his first campaign). My wry point is that one is only Black or White, if one is bi-racial, based on how one identifies. There really are many progressive folks today to accept a bi-racial person as just another human, and color means nothing.
And, I believe that for many it was not Blackness that made them not fans, but his left of center politics. In this 3,000 mile wide country there are really many small business owners that have not been happy with Democratic globalization. For many, making money is what this country is about, not caring for the unfortunate. Read Max Weber - Protestantism and the Rise of Capitalism.