Thu 14 Oct, 2004 04:32 pm
I love my betta, his name is Bruce. I named him after the shark in Finding Nemo becuase of his little temper!
I am moving to TX soon, but want to take bruce with me. Do you know if this is possible? Can anyone give advice on how to handle this? Thanks so much!
Here's what I would do: Since they live in very tight quarters I'd pour him and some of his aquarium water in a baggie and make sure there was some air in the seal. Then I'd put the baggie in a plastic box that fits in a carry bag and plant him up on the luggage rack for a safe and restful trip.
BTW, my Betta Max spits when he's hungry
And welcome to A2K
AW thanks so much. My betta blows bubbles, and I read it means he is horny and wants to have babies! He builds these elaborate bubble nests, poor little guy! Thanks so much for the advice!