I was always interested in Latin since the days when the Mass was said in Latin. Then when permission was given to say Mass in the vernacular the Nova Vulgata came out in 79' and I bought a copy. And every now and then I would brush up on my school Latin and would start trying to read the Nova Vulgata. And I have resolved to do a little reading each day, just a few verses.
And the piece I mentioned above is from the first reading for the Christmas night Mass.
I have Bennet's old Latin grammar to help and it mentioned that the Latin participle could be used as a substantive but I couldn't work out the translation correctly. Then you came on and showed how it could be done. I guess my trouble, like many English speakers, is that I don't really know English grammar as well as I should.
Then too using one's spare time studying Latin is much better than watching T.V, listening to the radio, or surfing the net. There are a lot of Latin resources on the net. It all helps keep the brain working.
I was just thinking just last night that there should be a book devoted just to the Latin use of Participles, the Gerund and the Gerundive, one with lots of examples, not just the one liners give in Bennet and other authorities.
How about yourself? Why are you interested in Latin?