maxdancona wrote:
Really Foofie, you don't see a problem with Russia and anti-Semitism. In WWII when you point out how we were fighting. Antisemitism in Europe, Russia was being led by Josef Stalin. Have you heard of Stalin? He wasn't so good for Jews.
The contradictions between your White Supremacist sympathies, and your Zionist rhetoric never cease to amuse me.
I have no sympathies for white supremacy, nor do you have any reason to say that. Being in the service and seeing all sorts of Americans serve their country well, I think it is just small minded to make one demographic in the country demonized, just because they like their own, and don't celebrate the urban diversity that others consider their reason for a moral high ground.
If you haven't noticed, many of the urban progressives smugly label many older folks as holding up the progress of a socialized society. Hey, who was here first and gave them a wealthy country to find so appealing to revamp? Anyway, if you haven't served in the military, you might be too alienated from those that find this country worth maintaining as something that one's grandchildren can relate to as they do. It is no more bigoted than the ethnics that like to live in their ethnic neighborhoods, and socialize with their own. Are you going to next tell me that Orthodox Jews have got to interact with Gentiles on Sunday, so they are not labeled bigots?
As a teacher of science, there are other sciences than physics, and basically we humans (or Homosapien/Neanderthal hybrids) are very tribal. We just like to be with our own tribe, however that is defined.
And, Russian anti-Semitism was a cherry picked version. It did not put all Jews en masse in gas chambers, and crematoriums.
Try responding to a post of mine, without any pejorative assertions about me. Just argue the position, without personalizing every reply. I do not make pejorative assertions about you, do I. That is what I dislike about your replies.