Plenty of people.
I almost understand you and your motives for your action, but is your mother feeble in some way? Plenty of people young or older have various hangups going on in their lives. She seems, as Ragman, or was it Contrex, said, the sensible person here. Maybe she is over any "I need it" enthusiasm for favorite type cars, or maybe she'd like some peace going on within her brood. Maybe she herself was rather erratic, as many of us are from time to time. I'm old, and in my lifetime have bought 13 cars, new or used. Eleven of them were in my youthful idiocy days.
I'm more interested in whether your mother has pals in her new retired life. Do you folks in England have Meet Up groups? A lot of cities, at least in the US, have Meet Up groups for a good variety of interests.