Letty wrote:
The negative part, of course, is that the study was done under rather dubious auspices and funded by tax payers.
Actually, there is "some" data suggesting the mind can help out the body subconciously. You can call it prayer, wishing or something similar, but it's still mind over body. It could be the placebo effect rearing its ugly head, or it could be just a statistial anomoly, we won't know because they didn't post their data.
Either way, a 100% difference is extremely hard for me to swallow, espically considering modern medicine is not 100% effective. In fact, where they don;t list their statistics (not saying they didn't do it properly, but that I can't make a rational judgement without seeing their evidence.) They could have concluded that 1/1000 worked without prayer and that 2/1000 worked with prayer. It's still correct with the numbers they present, but not what the intended focus of the article is.
Until the data is shown I'm skeptical, but the fact that they were receiving federal money, and also that they are corrupt, tends to lead me down the BS path.