Re: percentile vs SD
pjnbarb wrote:OK. So what you're saying is that the SD is the theoretical value and the percentile is taken from a group of sampled data. That makes sense to me. But, if the data sample is large enough, aren't all populations normal in distribution? (I seem to remember that from a probability class I took eons ago).
Percentile = 50 + SD/2 ..... well, that's not too clever. I guess I meant the number represented by an SD .. e.g. SD = 2 => 95.44, the area under the curve from SD = -2 to SD = +2. Or better still look it up in the table, as you suggest.
And thank you for your response.
I think you're missing the point of the post. Standard Deviation is just a statistical tool to show you what the "extremes" of a normal distribution curve would be within some realm of certanty.
For example, I'll use a manufacturing analogy, one from a direct related statistical "fix" to an everyday design.
Say you have a curtain rod in two pieces. One end of the rod slides into the other end. Say, for example, the inner rod has a diameter of .25" with a tolerance of .05 inches. The outer rod has a diameter of .35" with a tolerance of .05". Theoretically, these two pieces will always fit together, with a very tight fit in the worst condition.
Well, manufacturing facilities use STD DEV to determine their "yield" rate or the number of failures. Say they have 3 failures per 1000 pieces. This corresponds to a 3 sigma level or 99.97% reliability. There is a standard formula to figure out what sigma is, but I know 3 sigma is 99.97.
Now, say they want to get a better yield out of their parts. They have two options, either change the manufacture process, or change the tolerance. The goal is to get 3 failures in 1 million parts (I think this is 6 sigma). In terms of %, it can be described as 99.9997% success.
In this case, they changes the tolerances, the cheap way out. The changed the size and tolerance from .25" tol .05" to .20" tol .10" They in essence make the small part smaller and the large part larger to take up any mismatches. This is how statistics can be used in a detremental form pushed by a corporate mindset. I don't know how it corellates to the doctor problem, but maybe I showed you a little insight as to where the numbers come from and how they extract %s from a standard deviation problem.