First, I would point out that every elected President is elected because of the Electoral College. Total popular vote has never elected a president. Sorry if you seem to feel the EC is a problem.
Now that my tiny rant is over, as to the question of money, Clinton spent more and it did her no good. I believe Trump's win boiled down to two things.
1. Clinton was a poor candidate due to how nearly half the country viewed her many controversies. Whether the criticism was justified or not, she was viewed to have handled so many things wrong. Then to put down Trump supporters as she (and other democrats) did, created a backlash against her and motivated the anyone but Hillary crowd.
2. There is a growing unrest against those who are seen as entrenched Washington insiders. It is the biggest reason Trump got the nomination. Yes, he said things that made people cringe. But, aside from being filthy rich, the average person could somewhat identify with someone who didn't care if he was pc or not. (I don't think most people give a rip about being pc) Everyone, yes, even democrats, say things at times that they wish they had not said. So people were more apt to ignore Trump's mouth as not being as big an issue as Hillary's perceived corruptness.
Maybe my opinion is a bit simplistic, I don't know. What I think, or what anyone thinks, really is not important. For whatever reason, Trump won. He will not destroy our society any more than Obama did, or Bush did, or Clinton did. Or any of the other presidents in our history.