First name I came up with from the top of my head was Professor Thomas Hylland Eriksen, but they already interviewed him. I also mentioned Indarjit Singh and Gary Younge, but they're more journalistic-political figures than literary thinkers, say ... (plus they're both british) ... they're trying to get Rushdie, but ... I'm sure he's not easy to get.
The EUMC does great, dilligent work in publishing much-needed and detailed reports on xenophobia etc in the different European countries, but they're more into the statistics and factual reporting of things than into the Great Vision thing, let's say (also b/c of their connection to the EU).
I, err, don't know Ashley Montague. Is she famous? The book title rings a bell and I'm sure I'm going to feel
about not knowing the name, but more info is always welcome :wink:. She British or American?
I would've said Prof Rogers Brubaker, wrote very sensible things on ethnic identity in Europe, but he's American ...
(Note to self: Slavenka Drakulic for SouthEast European angle)
JoanneDorel wrote:Nimh I cannot think of any particular name other than Ashley Montague the author of The Fallacy of Race. But I did find the web site below sponsored it seems by the EU. Another prominent voice promoting diversity was Gandhi in writing about his trials and tribulations in London and South Africa but that is almost ancient history
European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia