Thu 30 Sep, 2004 04:35 pm
I'm not quite sure this forum is up to this question, because I haven't seen any questions about advanced topics in mathematics. Oh well, here goes nothing:
Let G be a group such that it's abelization (G/G') is a finitely generated group. Let G/G' be the direct sum of the following cyclic groups: <x1>,...,<xn>. We also ask that for every i there is a representitive yi of xi (yi+G'=xi) such that ord(xi)=ord(yi). Let H be the free product of <y1>,...,<yn>. Why is the following true?
Gamma(n,H)/Gamma(n+1,H) (lower central series) is an abelian group (obvious) whose torsion subgroup is finite of order dividing a power of the order of the torsion subgroup of G/G' (not so obvious).
Can you help me with this?
I suggest you look here:
Check the mathematics discussions in the "medium" and "hard" sections of the riddles forum.
It makes me wonder. The mathematical experts of you - just what is your mathematical education? I'll start: I'm halfway through my B. Sc. in mathematics, but I'm also taking very advanced courses in Abstract Algebra (the mathematical topic I like the most).
My Modern algebra is rusty so bear with me
G and its inverse G' are isomorphic abelian groups then all gubgroups of G and G' are abelian and isomorphic. (Actually I seem to remember this falling out of the requirements of groups). Therefore all of the cyclic supgroups <xi> are abelian and isomorphic
Moreover, if G/G' are inverse isomorphic groups then |G|=|G'| and the order of all equivalent cyclic subgroups are equal, e.g. |<xi>|=|<yi>|, <yi>=<xi>', consequently the product of cyclic groups is the identity, e.g. <xi><yi>=e and the free product is the product ∏<xi><yi>=e for all n. Since |e|=1 then everything boils down to 1
As for the former question Γ(n,H)/ Γ(n+1,H) are both Γ(n+1,e) which is abelian by definition, and the order of the tortional subgroup is 1.
So I've shown the trivial case it true(?) but then I could very well be wrong, with Modern Algebras I often am.
When confronted with braintwisters like this I frequent [URL=http://]mathworld[/URL] for definitions and properties, cruise here [URL=http://]Dr Math-[/URL] for basic proofs, then I pull out an old Dover Modern Algebra Text and start suffering until in absolute frustration I call an old college chum who was better than I at modern algebra
and let him start suffering too.
BTW I'm an Engineer. That means I'm estatic when I find an equation that matches my world.
Rara, while I don't consider myself an expert, I'm an undergraduate engineering student, so I've taken up through calc 4. Raprap, I like finding equations to model the real world also (as well as algorithms) although I wouldn't say I am exstatic. Although I must admit I am not very interested in discrete math, proofs, and math for maths sake like this. What kind of engineer are you?
Re: My Modern algebra is rusty so bear with me
raprap wrote:G and its inverse G' are isomorphic abelian groups then all gubgroups of G and G' are abelian and isomorphic. (Actually I seem to remember this falling out of the requirements of groups). Therefore all of the cyclic supgroups <xi> are abelian and isomorphic
Moreover, if G/G' are inverse isomorphic groups then |G|=|G'| and the order of all equivalent cyclic subgroups are equal, e.g. |<xi>|=|<yi>|, <yi>=<xi>', consequently the product of cyclic groups is the identity, e.g. <xi><yi>=e and the free product is the product ∏<xi><yi>=e for all n. Since |e|=1 then everything boils down to 1
As for the former question Γ(n,H)/ Γ(n+1,H) are both Γ(n+1,e) which is abelian by definition, and the order of the tortional subgroup is 1.
So I've shown the trivial case it true(?) but then I could very well be wrong, with Modern Algebras I often am.
When confronted with braintwisters like this I frequent [URL=http://]mathworld[/URL] for definitions and properties, cruise here [URL=http://]Dr Math-[/URL] for basic proofs, then I pull out an old Dover Modern Algebra Text and start suffering until in absolute frustration I call an old college chum who was better than I at modern algebra
and let him start suffering too.
BTW I'm an Engineer. That means I'm estatic when I find an equation that matches my world.
"G and its inverse G'"? G' is the commutator subgroup of G.
"G and its inverse G' are isomorphic abelian groups"?!?!?!? Whos said G was abelian? I just said that G's abelization (G/G') is a finitely generated (abelian) group.
The rest is just too bizzare for me to respond to.
I asked my prof. this question and he said it has something to do with Lie algebras (which I currently know nothing about).