We have a nest of some kind of wasp or hornet in the wall of our house. We know, for a fact, that it is under the siding, but don't know if they have built right into the actual wall. They do most of their coming and going from the nest on the outside, but many of them get inside the house. I can't live with them buzzing my head of dark hair constantly. About 2 weeks ago we attempted to rid them with a spray, but, either it is not effective or we didn't get up into the root of the nest. In the process I received several stings. They come into the house on the main floor as well as through the basement where I have my sewing and ironing area. They come into the basement at a rate of one every couple minutes if I have a light on down there. I am afraid to work there as they buzz my head and land on my neckjavascript:emoticon('

') (the flourescent lights are quite low and just over my head). Does anyone have a suggestion for how to get to the nest to kill these.
They are not honey bees. We are former bee keepers, so we know honey bees well. I do not know the different types of hornets or wasps. These were very small and not aggressive a couple weeks ago, but now are very large and seem more aggressive. The stings I got when trying to spray them were because some of them got inside my sleeve. This is a serious problem . I phoned an exterminator (Terminix) and they want me to sign a year's contract in order to come and kill the wasps. That is close to $300. Does anyone have a better suggestion? I can't find anyone using the phone book and have been searching online, but not finding anyone who specializes in this type of extermination.
Any help would be appreciated.