The Sutin bio of Dick paints a sad picture of him. He died at 53 from a series of strokes, which is way too young for a writer of his gifts. Dick was a heavy drug user for much of his life (speed) and had a lot of personal problems. He tended to whip off his novels in 2 or 3 weeks of manic typing. As a person he was kindly, gentle, and very needy emotionally--he was married five times and was constantly trying to hook up with women.
Well, the only one my local library had was "Radio Free Albemuth". apparently his last and one that was published posthumously.
Now, I guess I am resigned to read him in reverse chronological order.......
Whatever order you read Dick in, don't miss A SCANNER DARKLY, THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE, UBIK, or THE THREE STIGMATA OF PALMER ELDRITCH--they are his best novels. Also excellent are THE TRANSMIGRATION OF TIMOTHY ARCHER, A MAZE OF DEATH, TIME OUT OF JOINT, and the visionary VALIS.