HeHeHee ... yup, it come down to taste and and typing sometimes ... perhaps a part of"Genius" lies in proofreading!
I notice a couple things in my first post I should have caught and edited before clicking "Submit. Oh, well.
There's probably a typo or two in this post.
Then too, perhaps we all have differing perspectives on "Artistic Genius". Among the Authors I mention as personal-taste-favorites there are members of Mensa. To some, there might be disputable "lack of genius" in that group, regardless their qualifications as "Artist". But as
larry richette wrote:There is no accounting for taste
Many industries and philosophies exist due to variances in individual taste.
PKD is good, even great. As with any artist, there are varying appreciations of hs
oevre. That diminishes neither him nor his varying appreciators, to my mind.