catbeasy wrote:
Well, I guess I don't understand that relative to the question of logos and God. I don't think that wishful thinking, magic or chaos (whatever that is) make the universe go round, maybe goblins..
I'm not sure what you mean by a set of rules either? What rules? The rules we discover by physics? We don't know all the rules? Is the unknowable stuff included in this, such as purpose or our ability to sensate? Or existence in general?
Sorry, if I'm misunderstanding, there's a ton of stuff I don't know that I'm still trying to catch..
Rules are what happens in a regular basis not some wrriten stuff. Physics describes them to the point we can get them so far, and Philosophy tries to make sense out of them and their conceptual bagadge at large as we perceive them in our specific cultural medium. As for the Anthropic bulshit, you are a thing before you are a "person", you are a physical object, and one that is set on rails not free. Counsciousness is not special nor magic, its not even an actual centre of decision, just the awareness the witnessing of the inter relation of the mathemathical exchanges between "your" micro machine, and the macro machine of the surrounding enviroment. There are no sinners, no faulting, no should or would, could do better, just the facts unfolding in mathemathical harmony. The whole wishful thinking of a boring perfect world without risk, pain, decay, and renewal is an expression of the human mediocrity and its a priori animalistical monkey needs...perfection is in fact what we have now ! I, the suposed atheist, am the one who dares not to correct the "finger of God", Logos is its own and needs no corrections. Facts are true forever and there is nothing to replace them. Reality has no alternative !