Could anyone of you please advise what's happening with my marriage?

Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2016 12:12 am
Hi, I am an Indian girl recently married & by arranged. I am doing my PhD in the UK & my husband works in the US. We got married this June and I was with my husband from mid july to mid august this year in the US. It was only after I went there, things turned sour for us. Before we were married, he was in a live-in for 3 years with a lady who was separated from her husband (initially not a divorcee, just separated). She and my husband dated, fell in love and my husband was also fighting with his parents for their approval. Later, when he was sent on an international assignment, she slept with one of his close friends. My husband realised about this after he was back in the US while at the same time when he was diagnosed with TB. He forgave her for what she did and expected her to stay by him during his illness but she rudely left him. (Btw, he told me his past before marriage). My husband battled successfully against his illness and after their break-up, we were married in 8 months. Now while I was there in US, I realised that he is still talking to her and discussing about our personal matters (about our fights, & even bedroom stuff in detail-I found these in his chat). I also learned from him that he meets her often for lunch and dinner and is always on his toes to do any favour she asks for.

He would most often be very rude with me and pick fights on petty issues and he also never ceased himself from comparing us. She was always praised and i was always mocked down any time. There was not even a day passed without being compared. Most often I tried to ignore only to be able to cook for us and also make myself be able to study for my PhD. But sometimes with the way he compares us, he really gets into my nerves. She is a full time salaried IT professional and i am a PhD candidate on a stipend. He would mock me down saying I am no way close to her IT skills or salary level. He would compare our house keeping skills and will rave about her (while at the same time he agrees I keep the house neat, he says she is even more fast at it). He would not stop talking about their sexual life to me and sometimes when he goes into the ugliest details like describing what, how and where they did certain stuff, it kinda totally wears me out. If I am at a store looking for lingerie and spot something i like, he would immediately say that she had similar kind of designs and he had already seen her wearing for him during their fun nights. I bought him a Burberry shall for £480 from the UK and parcelled it to him, for completing 100 days post engagement. For a few days he was in praise of me but later he said I’m no close to her because she spends at least more than 1000$ for him on his birthdays. If I tell him that I have completed 5k on treadmill, he would criticise me that she just recently did a 10k marathon, so I haven’t achieved anything big! He used to show her pictures, pointing at her legs saying look how toned it is, and can you also run everyday to get your legs toned that way? If I spot a SUV on road and say i like it, there again he would say it’s also her fav too. I have told him umpteen times not to do this as it strains my chemistry with him and of course our rship, and more often I have fought and cried too. He blames me in turn that i am being very Indian and insecure & he regrets marrying a typical Indian.

He would 75% times be in praise of his ex and would say she is very impressive, clear-headed and has a high professional standing. The rest 25% times he would verbally abuse her to me that she slept with his close frnd. I used to comfort him that it’s ok, its past, you have moved on and you are settled now for a family. The funny thing is, this girl is still sleeping around with the same man, for whom she ditched my husband (she herself had disclosed this to my husband when his friends were guessing about it). And this man is also married but his wife lives far away in another city in the US without knowing this. She openly shares with my husband about her sexual encounters with every other man she has been with lately. I don’t understand what kind of rship my husband has with her yet. My husband tells me that he would never think of accepting her back in his life for what she did but at the same time he says he won’t stop his contacts with her. He denies throwing away her materials that’s still lying around our new home (bed and couch) and is also not willing to delete her pictures from his system. Despite me giving money to replace furnitures, he is not ready to throw her stuff out. We had a horrible fight over this asking why was he not using the money I gave him to buy new furnitures and he said, being the man, the husband, he should take the call in deciding what should be thrown out. He also argues that I am trying to erase his three years of love life and it’s not moral for me to do it. I understand all these material stuff doesn’t create a big deal but with the way he praises her any day any time and mocks me down all the time, I get angry at him, at her and all her stuff that’s in the house.

As we argue over and over we lose track of time and we end up not eating and sleeping on time either. Our days were getting derailed at least 2–3 days in a week, mostly the weekends would be totally ruined. Despite these issues he still made me meet his friends and maintain around that we live happily together. There were numerous days when we fought, I would cry, my eyes would swell up, turn red and despite that he will expect me to step out for any lunch or dinner that his friends plan. If i deny coming out he would raise his hands or start shouting at me. Most often I would go submissive only to help myself study because I was going to sit for my PhD annual review in September. So, I would take a shower, dress up and walk to his friends as though nothing happened between us (it’s very very hard to bounce back with resilience in a social meeting after going through physical and emotional trauma at home). He hardly seemed to pay attention towards me while i was in there. He would most often be tied up with his TV series or his Xbox. He would very rarely show his affection on me (and those times I would feel that he is genuinely coming to me out of love). But those good minutes would soon get disappeared in fraction of seconds, as something will occur to him and a next fight will immediately start. Despite my tight schedule in my PhD life, I make breakfast for him, cook three course meal for lunch and also make authentic cuisines for dinner. I love cooking and my husband agrees that I give him variety cuisine every day, and also says I'm a better cook to his mom (huh, this is the only thing he appreciates about me; otherwise, I am always mocked down). I tried my best to gain his love and approval in the one month I spent there but looks like i failed terribly. For any issues that comes between us he would immediately say get out of my house (I have heard this more than 50 times while i was there with him). He had told me more often that he developed no feelings for me and if we separate he will lead a happy life. But sometimes later when he gets into a good mood, he will ask me to ignore what he said and would claim he said it only in anger (Is this good to ignore? I’m confused bcz I’m hearing it often).

I tried my best to show my love in numerous ways to make him understand he has got someone in his life who will stay by him genuinely. I understand the gravity of breaking up with a loved one and going through an emotional turmoil. I always wanted to be by him and make him and his life better and create a stable life for us. But I feel that he never gave me that space. I wanted to cook for ten of his friends on his birthday and he asks me why would i be interested in boasting around his gang that i know to cook (without understanding that i want to cook for him, on his b’day out of love for him). Our house is located on a highway with no stores close by. I planned to surprise him on his birthday with a cake. But as I was never given cash for emergencies, I just carried my UK bank card and walked up and down 5 miles (couldn’t get a cab as i had no cash or US bank card) to buy a cake and surprise him that evening. He was in awe after realising that I walked 5 miles to get something for him but in few days he started criticising that i haven’t done anything more for him apart from the cake for his first b’day after marriage. I was going through an emotional plight and I always thought of taking to at least one of his closest friends, when I asked him to bring at least one frnd to discuss issues between us, he says he wouldn’t want to stay in the marriage if his friends are made aware of. He says they will laugh at him and he doesn’t want to go through such experiences by taking this to them.

I tried my best to make him understand not to compare me with his ex but he never took my cries seriously. His mom is well aware of his previous rship and is also aware that he was sexually active with her. She is also aware that we are fighting with the comparison issue, and she always blamed me that he might be doing it for fun and I am not mature enough to handle it. One day she accused me that I’m the one causing issues due to my insecurities and I broke to her that I can’t keep it in light vein anymore when my husband constantly raves about his past sexual adventures. She told I was lying about it, but looks like she has inquired about it with my husband. My husband got furious knowing that i told her something about his past sex life, he told his mom that I too was in love and had a break up before marriage. (he was vindictive). I was in love a few years before and it dint work out well for me, after that I stayed single for three years and then married my husband. He conveyed about this to his mom, being angry on me. His mom straight away accused me for me being in love. I’m now in India as my mom is not well and also here for some official work. I also have my exams in the UK in two weeks and i am very much confused what should i do next with my married life. I don’t understand what’s bothering my husband and why is he not getting closer to me. My husband and his mom are constantly inquiring about my return date to the US. I’m very much afraid to trust him and go back after experiencing a dysfunctional life there. If anyone of you could try explaining to me what’s happening with him, and what should I be doing next, I would be very grateful to you. I really want to give in my effort to work on this marriage and want to lead a happy and stable life with him but I always feel that something is stopping him in getting closer to me. Please advice. Thanks.
Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2016 12:39 am
Examine why you want to be married to this imbicile by re-reading your account of his behavior.
Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2016 01:01 am
It was arranged. I think he wants out, but not tough enough to say so, so he wants her to quit first.
Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2016 01:36 am
He might not want out, arranged marriages have a ton of family issue and pride involved. He sounds like a jerk who wants everything, when he wants it, how he wants it and is nuts over the idea that his wife is suffering at home. If I were her I wouldn't give him any more money or look for a freaking birthday cake. I'd confide to his bitch mother how worried she is that he's embarrassed he doesn't make enough money to support a wife. His embarrassment makes her suffer and pray for his success. I'd go full-on passive aggressive and might even throw in a "How sad, he tries so hard to be successful but no matter how hard, he just never measures up, Bless his heart".

But the reality is this poor women is dealing with a society and an arranged marriage that has reduced her to a whipping boy for her stunted man-child-asshole husband. And mom doesn't sound like she believes women are human either, maybe his father was as big of a jerk as he is. She can't do any of the things I would want to do for fear of extreme violence or family disgrace. So I can fantasize but this women has a terrible situation. I wish, I was familiar with resources for Indian women, but I'm not. Hopefully someone can help her. She definitely deserves some peace of mind. She didn't mention her family, perhaps they will help her. I hope somebody does before she gets injured or worse.
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Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2016 01:48 am
That makes sense.
I'm no usefull discusser of behavior in India, though I've read a batch of books, admittedly novels.
Not least of my concerns is what the person can do about abuse.

I can see the male side too, to me, quite a trap for men as well - different culture

I had an instructor/later colleague, who was from there, smart guy re transportation. He was the one who gave me the outdated info re a city design contest I participated in (about 200 late night hours). It was one more damned lesson - check stuff out for yourself.
Far as I could tell, he liked his wife, who knows, rarely mentioned in our office.

I feel for our poster. I presume all Indian guys aren't shitheads but on the surface it seems so. They seem set into roles.. our poster's father is way over any line.
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Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2016 02:40 am
If this had not been an arranged marriage I would say: "Stay in UK and forget about your husband and mother-in-law"
As far as I have read arranged marriage is much more binding together two families than a marriage in the western world.
There is no reason that you should be treated badly by your husband and his mother. There is no reason why you should not stay in UK and try to build up a life of your own and see how things work out without him.
There is no reason at all why a woman nor a man should be treated badly by their partner and partner´s mother.
How about finding someone in UK who can give you profesional help in legal questions regarding your marriage and also help you personal? I could imagen there are other young women in the same boat as you in UK.
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Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2016 08:27 am
Dear - you do NOT have a marriage.

He is abusing you. And his mother supports his distorted thinking.

I am puzzled as to why you think it is your role to please this man, who cheats on you, emotionally, and who uses your finances to support his selfish ways.

Of course he wants you back!! You are the one paying the bills and he might be disgraced if you divorced him.

Do you realize that this is NOT going to get better? Your life will be more miserable if you stay with him.

Tell your familiy how he disrespects you and how he cheats on you. They will support you while you finish your school studies.
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Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2016 08:59 am
I think this young woman thinks she has to stay in the marriage no matter what and it is up to her to get it to work because Indians think different than we from the west.
According to an article only 1 out of 100 arranged marriages divorce in India.
One of the major reason for low rate of divorce in India is a Arrange marriage. Arranged marriages have been the tradition in Indian society for centuries. Even today an overwhelming majority of Indians in India have their marriages planned by their parents and other respected family-members. Arranged matches were made after taking into account factors such as age, height, personal values and tastes, the backgrounds of their families (wealth, social standing) and their castes and the astrological compatibility of the couples horoscopes.
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Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2016 09:38 am
If i deny coming out he would raise his hands or start shouting at me.

This worries me the most. Your husband is not only verbally abusive he is also physically abusive. Even in arranged marriages, being abusive is not an option, period. You should be still in a honeymoon period as most couples are for at least the first year of their marriage, yet yours is like hell to begin with. What do you think will happen down the road? It only will get worse and you will become more and more insecure in this relationship as your husband is criticizing you at every opportunity he gets. You'll have to endure a lot of hardship and sorrow to be married to such a tyrant.

A marriage shouldn't be this way that you suffer from day one and it will only get worse, trust me.

I'd advise you to stay in the UK, finish your PhD and look for a job there. Your marriage was a mistake and even though your families have arranged it and you're probably from similar background, his emotional IQ is very infantile and his temper is unpredictable. Please spare yourself from such a marriage that is absolutely toxic.

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Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2016 09:48 am
I always feel that something is stopping him in getting closer to me.

It seems that this man not only does not love you, he does not like or respect you.

It appears that he is emotionally and physically abusive.

None of that is acceptable, arranged marriage or otherwise.

I have a friend who had to leave an arranged marriage for similar reasons and escape back to India. You are in a slightly better position than she was as you do not live in the same country as the man you are married to. (I don't feel he deserves the honour of being referred to as a husband)

Are you in contact with your own family anymore?
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Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2016 09:05 pm
Many thanks to all of you who read my post with patience. I spent 5 weeks in the US with him and almost after a week, passing on with each day was horrible. I always assumed he had terrible mood swings because he would get erupted for anything, anytime. His moods were definitely unpredictable and all that I heard pretty often was I have nothing for you, I have no feelings for you and I don't like/ love you at all. He even went on to say I can't be even friends with you. I heard all these while he was at the peak of his anger. This got me really surprised because he said he liked me when we spoke, we got along well and we got married. But things changed after I moved in to stay with him in the US. He was mad at me for anything I do. He would go crazy with me even for standing somewhere, sitting on the bed to study or anything. I do all the cooking, household chores by myself and also study for my PhD. If I lie down for a nap in the noon he would get angry at me even for it and would constantly shout at me for hours as how could I lie down? Though we share the rent and expenses equally he would always say get out of my house. While 90% of the times he always got annoyed at me for no good reason, I have also seen him 10% nice sometimes. Once when he shouted at me very badly i went inside the bathroom and sat for hours crying. We live in a convertible studio and the bedroom has no door. So, if i need some space to cry i always go into the bathroom. Once surprisingly he walked into the bathroom, got me out, said sorry and gave me a hug. This was the only one time he came back realising what he did. Otherwise he acted with no remorse for me. He would shout at me for hours and remain in his own zone mostly. As he was rarely good and mostly bad with me it really got me wondering what's happening with him.
He never sat with me even for two minutes to ask how was my day. I always felt that he wasn't getting emotionally connected to me.
He would go on becoming a comparing spree. He initiates chat and conversations with her, she still addresses him as her soulmate, he is over interested in her personal life, she tells him about all the men she has been sleeping with lately, she even disclosed to him about her some STD issues. (I'm not sure if she really has got the STD, maybe he told me so that I don't doubt their rship). He always calls her to have long conversations when things are not ok between us at home, he even tells her in detail about our intimacy in bedroom (like what when and how we do, though he praised me and said he is happy with me). But this looks very ugly to me. i cannot withstand my husband passing on such details to anyone especially to his ex. When we go out somewhere, he takes me to the places they have been and he seems lost in her thoughts. Despite me saying please do not talk about her, he ignores it conveniently. He makes unfair comparisons between me and her and always mock me down and praises her. Sometimes he bitches about her that she dumped him. His emotions are unstable. He is not willing to dispose her stuff and is still interested in retaining the bed and couch. He still has her pictures, gifts too. Despite all these doings, he claims he has absolutely no feelings for her and would never think of going back to her for a long term rship. If I ask him to cut her ties off right away, he says he cannot. I'm in india now and my mother is critically ill, being diagnosed with ovarian cancer stage 1. I am the only child for my parents and they spent almost 40,000 US$ just on this wedding (without counting the cost incurred for my jewellery). His parents demanded a very grand and lavish wedding and we did it. Despite that they criticise us that we din't live up to their standards.
The day before i left the US, he was in praise of her constantly. I couldn't withstand it and i verbally abused her. He said she is far better to me in everyway possible and i'm no match for her. I got furious iwth this statement bcz I haven't slept with many men like the way she is still doing, neither i slept with my boyfriend's friend like the way she did to my husband, neither i have the STD. I held his collar and argued how could he say that, he got angry and pushed me on to the coffee table, held my head on banged me against the floor twice and choked my throat. As I was able to grab my phone to call 911, he took his hands off me to get the phone. In that gap i tried running outside the apartment to call for help but he ran after me to stop. My body was shivering and i was very weak with even standing. I sat on the floor and i couldn't get up for almost 10 minutes. He sat next to me and started crying saying he is not a person who would physically abuse someone but din't know why he behaved like that to me. He cried saying he has no feelings for her. As he cried he also said he doesn't understand why he constantly gets reminded of her. He said he wants us to lead a successful marriage life and make everyone proud of us. I comforted him and said i will be by him no matter what, and asked him to take up counselling. He was ok then. But after I came to India to attend to my mom, he lately seems to be extremely distant from me. He never initiates any calls or text out of love. He only contacts me to check if i have transferred him the money for rent and expenses. I tried talking to a therapist here in India and she said he is in his rebound rship and that is the reason why he is unable to connect himself or accept me. The therapist says he is looking for all the qualities in me that he liked in his ex, and as he doesn't see anything similar, it frustrates him. I don't know how to handle this issue now. My husband says he wants to go for a mutual but i believe if he is put under the therapy he will know what's his issues are and would definitely rectify him. His family is of no support and they accuse me instead. His mom accuses me that bcz i held his collar, i provoked him to assault me. His parents are verbally abusive too. My husband is very nice with his ex, with his friends but extremely worse with me only. I don't know what should i do next or how to explain to him that he is emotionally imbalanced, unstable and needs a therapy.
Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2016 09:15 pm
Please stop posting walls of text.
Learn to use paragraphs. If you do not know about that, at least let some air in between your miles of typing.

I'm sympathetic to you myself, but I and many others don't want to read a long barrage of words.
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Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2016 09:58 pm
Do you have your jewelry with you? I know I sound cold, but I've had some experience with greedy in-laws and I never give anyone a blank check anymore. You need to take steps to protect yourself.
Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2016 10:09 pm
apuviki wrote:
He only contacts me to check if i have transferred him the money for rent and expenses.

My husband says he wants to go for a mutual but i believe if he is put under the therapy he will know what's his issues are and would definitely rectify him.

1. stop paying his bills. no more $ for him. that has to stop.

2. if he is interested in a marriage, he should be arranging therapy for himself.

3. stay away from him and his family. there is no upside to contact with his family. he can contact you but I would recommend not spending any further time with him in person.

He needs to grow up and take responsibility for his behaviour . It is not your responsibility to take care of him.
Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2016 10:39 pm
Yes, they have some of my gold and silver stuff given to me.
Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2016 10:44 pm
Dear @ehbeth
Thanks for being kind and reading my post with patience. Could you please throw in some light in this rental agreement matter? We both have signed for the apartment lease. The apartment did credit check only on my husband's salary bcz he works in the US. Mine was not checked neither I submitted any proof of my stipend that i get from the UK. The lease agreement has both our names and we have both given our signatures on it. If I stop paying my share, will this be any legal issue? Please advise.
Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2016 11:01 pm
I'm in Canada so the laws could be different. An American should chime in on the lease issue.

Do you have two partial lease agreements or one for the entire lease?

In Canada, each person is fully responsible when they sign a lease. That is, if you stop paying, he is responsible for all of the payments.
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Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2016 11:07 pm
Get back your jewelry if you can.
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Reply Sat 10 Sep, 2016 12:33 am
apuviki wrote:

Yes, they have some of my gold and silver stuff given to me.

Wait, your husband's family has your jewelry???? Can you get it back? Does your husband have a green card or a student visa or some sort of paper that allows him to stay in the US?
Reply Sat 10 Sep, 2016 12:58 am
On the other matter, you are not going to be in legal jeopardy if you stop paying his rent. Keep your UK stipend for your needs in the UK. If he defaults on the lease, they will go after him because they know he has a job. Landlords don't care who pays the rent, only that the rent gets paid.

It would be wise to talk to the US Embassy in the UK to see if he can can foul up your entry or stay in the US. I don't think he can, but I'd still check with the embassy. Also, in the US, jewelry given to a bride for her wedding is not community property. Neither is any money left to you by grandparents or parents. However, if these matters are handled in India I'm way out of my depth.

I wish you good luck. I would also urge you to stop worrying about wifely duties because your husband has done everything but get a divorce, your marriage ended unofficially and you need to prevent him from asserting rights that his sorry ass is not entitled to. He sounds somewhat disturbed, seriously, I can't imagine that he thinks it's ok to discuss his dalliance with another women. Something tells me that this is not normal behaviour for married couples in India, not just here in the States or the UK.

However, I don't live in India and I'm not being judged by your culture. You are the one with the terrible husband, and you need to decide whose advice you should take. It wasn't all that long ago that divorce was considered a failure of epic proportion here in the US. People lived together in misery rather than divorce, it was considered a failure. Things have changed and it's no longer admirable to stick with an abusive spouse. I hope you seek advice from wise people from both western and Indian cultures. Right now you are in a safe place, make good use of this time to make sure you remain safe.

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