Thanks very much for playing osso. I have to go to bed now, but I'll update the league tomorrow.
PLease carry on, but be patient with the league table for a day or so. Thanks!
farmerman - Pa - 46
farmerman - watercolor* - 35
edit - because I gave farmerman too many Pa's (as in pa dutch)
I didn't think about that topic/post thing, so i've gone back to edit all of my listings . . . hope it don't screw ya up, GD . . .
JoefromChicago -- "law" 247
dlowan -- "heehee" 444
Dyslexia + Hitlery= 6
Dyslexia + demmunist = 6
I'm just a wild and crazy guy!
still makes me laugh.
But Dys, you can't post your own. But wait, I'll copy and paste and make them mine. (Is that cheating?)
Dyslexia + Hitlery= 6
Dyslexia + demmunist = 6
Someone should look up, oops, double post for ossobuco...
Dyslexia - boots - oh, damn, I forgot the number.
Back in a minute.
There, 31.
We're patient with the league updates, Grand Duke, if you'll be patient with us. This is fun (once I caught on). I don't aim to win, I like the search..
Dyslexia - anarchist - 24 heh.
Lightwizard - prints - 132
but, I didn't try cat, singular. I think Grand Duke will check that..
for cat singular -
Margo 124
Msolga 290
Dlowan 202
LittleK 162
And I haven't looked up Stand up or others..
I think, unless mistaken, that MsOlga is CATWOMAN.
I was thinking about this thread, and tried to figure what word that I have used often. Then I realized that I have greeted a LOT of new members.
Phoenix32890 + welcome- 468
This one might not be kosher, but:
Joe Nation, Joe = 1095