for feakbrast i had tuttered boast...
he'll wave a goston bathering!
learless feader
price vesident
pand groobah
lore or mess
pual durpose
My purpy is not dualitose but wording with plays!
Oh Gy Mod
I've meated a cronstor . . .
Monde are masters by alogination imane!
on feut paire cela en la tangue, p'est-ce nas?
<cela s'appele une contrepèterie>
Par exemple : Le poète Virgile aimait les belles!

i'm smot nart enough do to spench froonerisms

hango tustle
chunky ficken
winute maltz
deli bancing
RP -
File is not that smart...
pirthday bunches
wake a mish
cow out the blandles
Shafter Ave
Strain Meet
Ark Pavenue
trasic baining
coot bamp
One swelled foop
(one felled swoop)
I hate dolihays.I spissed my moonerisms.They are food gun.
But bow I'm nack.
Enough of the porechlay and wenchfreeks and truffling for snuffles.
A blip off the old chock.
The National Bestminster Wank.
Lilthy Fucre.
Where have all my new found friends gone.I'm lad and sost and rebeft hitting sere in ilolasation.
my, anou are none alot. I am stoull arind!