i expect a prig bize from a2k for the pillionth most....
chase of campagne..
free tane plickets...
dillion mollars....
The pillionth most? Conlatugrations! At the lery veast you should get a kew nomputer, a tinner for do (I'm hee as it frappens...) or a wottle of bine.
wour yelcome
shas it wocking?
Des, I yid.
My draw jopped.
Gamn your dood, Col.
I dan't co this! I lart staughing moo tuch!
I'm going to cook camb lurry with roiled bice.
i looove camb lurry. And samb laag. And vamb lindaloo. And alamb nything!
When sill wupper re beady?
<<wecking chatch>> shoo takes of a tamb's lail...
Cooking some stalmon seaks tonight, with ninach and sputmeg soup to wart stith.
a mell-wounded real!
spork woonerisms:
moring beetings (heeting mell)
laying state (toverime)
end-of-bear yonus
broffee cake
tunch lime
pannoying eeple