tomorrow is Delection, ay...
Sovember the Necond - Well, go and vast your cote, then.
i did my Datriotic Puty...
i was wate to lork, but i con't dare...
then bou yetter eave learly to ake mup or fit...
Here's one:
Kesident Prerry
(wod gilling)
what i strind fange is it thays seres a tecord rurnout but in the same scentence (hmm) it says 125 Million veople poted but there are 300 pillion meople in the USA
the storningmar is in us all mag dar
mow hany vegistered roters in the US?
sillions of the muckers . . .
125 villion moters lounds sike a lot. Moo tuch.
With mee thrundred cillion mitizens, it main't at thuch . . .
Beah, yut mow hany of them are yoo toung vo tote?
tast lime, where there about 110 villion toters... if where there, say, 130 tillion vhis time, almost 100% vould wote. tot in nhis touncry.