Thu 16 Sep, 2004 09:37 am
The clue is:
"Containing many well-know actors"
must contain the word "star"
has 11 letters.
Thanks - much appreciated
Star vehicle?
Isn't that a term used for those blockbusters that have a lot of stars?
Let me give you a larger picture. This is a little internal company contest. Here are the clues and where i am right now.
Stars are everywhere is the topic.
1. Barbra Streisand Movie: A Star is Born
2. Don McLean Hit: Starry Starry Night
3. Right hand side of ship: Starboard
4. To alarm or surprise: Startle
5. The Flag of the US: Stars and Stripes
6. Name for a city newspaper: Journal or Tribune Star
7. A substance used to stiffen cloth: Starch
8. Destined to be unhappy: Ill-Starred
9. Containing many well known actors: ?
10. Movie that won acclaim for its special effects: Star Wars.
Number 9 is 11 letters - must include any dashes which is why star-studded won't work, unfortunately.
After we get the answers taken care of then some of the letters are underlined to form a jumble of letters that will have to be sorted into a phrase. But need the one answer to continue forward.
You are a great resource - appreciate your input.
Looking at google results, it appears that the phrase "star studded" is frequently used without the hyphen.
Feel free to post the jumble, too.
Oh, and welcome to a2k!
Here's the jumble:
Why our customers need to wear sunglasses:
If i have everything right then:
Because I don't know a couple of answers the remaining letters are:
either JL or TE (either journal or tribune)
if the last word is star studded then the last letter is E (the second to last letter in the word)
Forgot a word - sorry -
_ _ _ (3)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (9)
_ _ _ _ _ (5)
Any chance that the company name is part of the answer?
our company is: Banknorth
and it is 9 letters long.
you are clever
Thanks! But if Banknorth is part of it, you're missing A, K, and R as possibilities...
But try fitting it in to the slots and see if you can work backwards.
our company is: Banknorth
and it is 9 letters long.
you are clever
let me be clear about which letters they are taking for the jumble
a star Is BorN
starrY starry NigHt
stars and striPEs
TribunE star or JournaL star
10th letter of 11 for the actors question
Star wars
So if all of these answers are correct, then Banknorth can't be part of the jumble answer, as A, K, and R aren't possibilities.
Yikes. This is a toughie. And what if Tribune or Journal Star is reversed? In my town a paper is called the Star Tribune. And are you sure about ill-starred? I realize star-crossed is hyphenated, but are the people who composed the puzzle sure?
I think the answer is something along the lines of:
Problem is - the letters don't line up. let me show you how the letters are derived:
a star (I)s (B)or(N)
starr(Y) starry (N)ig(H)t
stars and stri(P)(E)s
(T)ribun(E) star
(unknown - i am using an (E)
(S)tar wars
any suggestions?
argersinger, when they gave you the original clues, did it break down how many words were in each answer?
i.e. Barbra Streisand movie - 11 letters
Barbra Streisand movie - _-_ _ _ _-_ _-_ _ _ _
Not that I'm doubting that one, but I think you're right about the employees, and we have to find an M somewhere... as well as figuring out the last word...
each of the answers has a specified number of letters per word. for example the barbra streisand movie must be: _ _ _ _ _ X_ X_ _ X
the underlines representing the letters and words needed and the X representing the letter that will become part of the jumble.
i can come up with an "m" from perhaps the city newspaper question but this first one, if correct, leaves me with a "b" that i can't place into one of the unjumbled words:
I'm still thinking, arger, but I'm going into a meeting. Will be back later...
getting closer
our stock symbol is BNK
which resolves the b issue
so all is well and i need to do is come up with a name of a city newspaper that is 7 letters long (the name of the city) that starts with an m and ends with a k or begings with a k and ends with an m.
M _ _ _ _ _ K Star
K _ _ _ _ _ M Star
and we will end up with:
Because BNK Employees Shine
Any help on a city name?
Wow! you're really close.
Can I ask where you are? It might narrow down the choices. You don't need to be specific if you don't want to...
got the solution - i apologize - but the answer is pretty in house: assuming i'm correct
BNG (Banknorth Group) Employees Shine
this provides a home for the b and the city newspaper fills in with MorninG star
the k was obviously incorrect.
thanks for your help - can't believe i even worked on this - not how my mind works.
we are located in new england - me specifically on the north shore in massachusetts.
i should erase this from the site - how can you do that?