That was so sweet Phoenix, to get that page for me. It brought back a lot of memories of the DJ's in DC. Especially on WEAM my favorite rock station.
I somehow missed your post about the "Joy Boys", panzade.
That is a really nice photo of Williard Scott - he looks a lot younger than he used to.
Hi Phoenix!
I saw the movie bio about Howard Stern and I understand that it was really sanitized. I've heard he can really be over the top gross.
I thought Howard's movie was excellent;he didn't try to hide the warts.
if he's over-the-top gross its bcos that's what the majority (males 18-34) of his audience wants to hear...
True. I saw the tv show on E! a couple of times. It's rather pathetic the way his lackeys grovel before him. Even Robin who's quite brainy is constantly deferring to him. Just a never ending parade of bimbos and porn "stars".
Quote:Just a never ending parade of bimbos and porn "stars".
hey now!
as i've stated on other threads, people who don't like stern will soon be rid of him -- his contract expires in nov '05. he's heading to satellite radio.
if bush gets his way individual broadcasters will have to pay their own FCC fines, in which case he will most likely be off the air a lot sooner...
Region Philbis- I perceive Howard Stern as "the Jerry Springer of talk show hosts". He does not attempt to elevate..........he merely plays to the lowest common denominator.
I like talk that is spicy and witty. I listened to Don Imus years before he cleaned himself up, and I thought that he was a riot. Stern, I believe, crosses the line much too much for my tastes.
Well that's another can of worms cause some of the stuff I've heard on talk radio that has nothing to do with smut is much more obscene to me.
amen too that, i kinda use stern as both entertainment and moral compass, i find when he can make me squirm it means i haven't lost every shred of my humanity
the only part of Stern I dislike, is his self congratulatory crap. (When it gets to be one of those shows where he starts off saying how "i started all this kind of radio" -I usually bail out. However, when the show gets on a topic of pop culture or history( in which everyone on the show has some incorrect theories) , or when they mercileely rag on one of the cast (like when they did an "intervention" on Artie Lang) , then its great humor.
The master and , as far as Im concerned, the originator of the talk /humor/philosophy genre, was Gene Shepard. I was 12 in 62 when Shepard was on WOR. I listened each evening . THAT was real classy humor.
i dont like Imus , hes just a "burn-out" who probably toasted so many brain cells that hes barely able to recognize the time. they just prop him up and let him babble, his entire program is built around insulting his guests who are there to provide content.
imus should be euthanized.
The right wingers are mostly Rush wannabes with little to offer except to skewer the left .
THOUGHT_right wing talk radio should be accounted for by the GOP as "unpayed workers" and thus a 1099 should be given the GOP for services rendered. These guys are so partisan that they have no familiarity with facts .
Rush is unique-I am liberal , yet Ill listen to melonhead . Its kind of why people listen to Stern--Its just to see what he will say next.
Stern is at his best when he's interviewing his guests. The time he kills before he gets to his guests can be pretty boring, like the self-congratulatory crap that farmerman talks about. He's usually pretty funny when he's berating his staff, also.
All told, his biopic was a picture of a Jewish nerd who overcame his inequities with smutty humour as many other comedians have done. Altogether a pretty nice guy away from the mic.
I have to admit, recently, as Stern has been talking politics a lot, he makes some very relevent points regarding the FCC, and the eroding of freedom of speech these days. He may repeat the same argument over and over, but he knows people listen at different times during the day. I admire him, as a past Republican, trying to motivate his listeners to vote for Kerry, and in the past, any candidate he thought was worthy of office, in an honest way, not as a shill.
Mind you, as so many listeners call in just to say "stop talking politics and bring on the strippers", I have a feeling he is between a rock and a hard place, and decided to stay honest.
Good point Cav, sometimes we forget that Rush, Stern , Neil and the others are the vanguard of freedom of speech
as expected, stern says today he's going to satellite radio -- in '06...
I am listening as I type...