I'm personally looking for an article on a piece of research that somehow proved that not only does the power of prayer actually work in helping people heal, but it works backwards too!
Somehow, the scientist conducting the research managed to get all the praying people to pray for someone in the hospital. It was a blind experiment, where the people didn't know who was sick with what and didn't know anything about said sick people. They didn't even know that the people they were praying for had been discharged.
Those who had been prayed for were somehow the ones who spent the shortest time in hospital (not counting those who died).
Now I believe that is pseudo-science, but where can I find the proof that this study actually existed?
Wolf_ODonnell wrote:I'm personally looking for an article on a piece of research that somehow proved that not only does the power of prayer actually work in helping people heal, but it works backwards too!?
You might want to check the story of Lazarus in the new testament...
I found the paper, but I'm not qualified to judge the quality of the research. My stats are a tad rusty. However, it looks like the had a fairly small sample size and a small effect.
Google results:
Byrd, R.C. 1988. Positive Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer in a Coronary Care Unit Population. Southern Medical Journal 81: 826-829.