Agreeing ehBeth.
The OP said something about at least being asked, which I agree with.
Sometimes people are just oblivious, maybe chalk it up to that.
Years ago, there were 3 women who I was friendly with, and it just so happened that once a week on the same night we were all at a particular location for a common purpose. There were other people there, but we tended to sit with each other and talk before and after the event. Then afterwards, the 3 of them would say to each other something like "ok, I'll see you there, which movie are we going to see?" then they'd all leave in their separate cars to meet up at the theater. They weren't mean spirited about it. It just seemed like it was a thing they'd been doing for a long time. Their thing.
Then one day, one of them looked at me and asked "Chai, why don't you ever come to the movies to us?"
I was surprised and said "No one ever asked me."
From then on I went with them.
This was a really innocent omission on their part, but through obverving people over the years, I've seen someone chronically left out, and can tell by watching at least one of the others that this is a calculated move, done in a way that can later be denied, but it's there.
Some people are really weird.