@Finn dAbuzz,
I answered this on another thread recently.
I have a great deal of respect for the Jesus portrayed in the Bible. I particularly like the Sermon on the Mount. They impact my personal sense of morality although I don't consider them hard and fast rules. There are a few parts of the gospels I don't like even as a story.
There are many parts of the Bible I don't like at all including much of the epistles of Paul.
I am not at all happy with modern Christianity. I haven't found a modern Christian group that I feel even comes close to following the Jesus of the Bible... every one of them interprets away key parts of the gospels that either inconvenience them or contradicts their political views.
At one time in my life, I tried to follow the Jesus in the gospels. I don't any more. But, like Jesus I still have a deep antipathy toward what I see as religious hypocrisy.