Wed 8 Sep, 2004 12:25 pm
if you pass the grey poupon?
I think i see your point . . .
You sure made some good points there too, Set!
Your points are ever evenly balanced and of consistent tempo, so to say ....
He can't pardon you, he's not the governor of Massachuselly
No, I don't mind. I don't mind my p's and q's and I don't mind my manners either.
Oh nevermind.
I once had some q's, but I lost 'em ... now all I have every once in a while is a p.
I have to p all the time.
Mind what?
Oh...did you mean do "I" mind?
Rarely, much to the dismay of many. Sigh.
Jesus, girl!
You're here!
I dont mind that at all ...
Not if Bear doesn't, I mean ...
hey JG, good to see ya around!
I 'm least for a while.
That's good to hear. I hope you will find this place a pleasant place and hang around for a while ...
no-itsme (habibi)
I mined for gold, and got ...
Thanks Nimh/Habibi,
I do have a couple issues here....well, we'll see.
Well, I'll be! Jesusgirl returns! (note she isn't carrying her green tubing... We could use some of that around here.)
And, I have to be the most dense person on this forum. I'm just realizing who nimh is. (insert BIG DUH here)
Oh, never mind...
hehheh ... well, its a fitting time to realise it, what, the week after the final demise of abuzz ...
<waves at squinneyallhappywithherself>
Re: Do you mind?
Are you saying you're getting your period? Poor you! No, I don't mind, but I do confess to being surprised about this.