Hey jesusgirl!
I didn't know that's who nimh was either.
I guess you DO learn something new everyday.
Thanks for making me feel better, Boomer.
You DON'T MIND if I call you Boomer, do you?
Who is nimh? Why is he here?
I don't know ..... there's just something about that guy and his cavalier attitude of tossing around periods that just doesn't seem right.
No, I don't mind at all, squinney
(No periods were harmed in the making of this sentence)
I'm all-over happy to see you!
(Don't worry, I still have the little green tubing!)
Looks like you dotted the i in "squinney", boomerang.
One more false statement like that and you're off this board.
And I just noticed the one in "mind" too.
Oh, the humanity!
If you're the same Gustav who was telling tall tales about hunting dogs (or was it werewolves) in swamps and such on Abuzz, then yes, we've met.
If you're not that Gustav, then possibly not. I'm an old Abuzzer and quite frankly this "newbie" rating here is downright insulting. Sigh. Kids and their goofball labels! What's a girl to do? Sigh.
Hello Jesus Girl how about a
(((((((((((((((((((((((((BEAR HUG))))))))))))))))))))))
Jesusgirl wrote:Gustav,
If you're the same Gustav who was telling tall tales about hunting dogs (or was it werewolves) in swamps and such on Abuzz, then yes, we've met.
Hmmmm, doesn't sound like me. I'm a pretty serious kind of guy, usually discuss religion and other serious matters.
Swamps? Werewolves?
Nah, must've been a different Gustav Ratzenhofer.
It is the same Gus, JG.
Only now we can see him.
You actually look?
I just cover it over everytime it comes on the screen. I made a special "Gussinator" (pat. pending), a sort of paddly thing that I attach to the side of my computer, and flip up adn down as needed. It works nicely. I'm working on a new version with a better flip mechanism so can send you this one if you'd like.
You should have seen me when I was putting cheeseheads on him. Peeking through my fingers, going through all sorts of convolutions. Took me forever.
Aw, I see. There must be so many of you floating around, eh?
Well, not really "floating." More like jumping, hopping, pouncing and prowling.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:Who is nimh? Why is he here?
That's some good questions, Gus, some good questions.
You got any answers in mind?
Prowling, eh?
I can't wait to hear the answers. Are you sure you weren't playing with hounds in the swamp? I could have sworn it was you. Hmm...
I kind of like the idea.
As long as I can be clear that I'm floating on my back, in a great big warm indoor/outdoor pool.
Don't mind if I do.
Great visual.
JG, do a search for keyword "swamp", author gustavratzenhofer, and I think you'll find that gus is this gus...
soz, I just put a piece of duct tape over your picture.
I knew that.
Geeze Gus, they do say the memory is the first to go. Hmmm....