errrrrrr, sort of not so much.
I like to read poetry, but offerings of poetry and song - kinda make me uneasy.
I always feel like I should applaud, which is probably not the intent of the romantic poet/speaker/singer/performer.
Hey, my sweet babe loves that I'm romantic, so I thought to throw some poetry into the mix to really knock her socks (and hopefully other garments) off.
Who knew that 6 hours of wheedling and sniveling would work just as well?
This will melt her heart for sure!
by Hafiz
translated by Daniel Ladinsky
I taste what you taste. I know the kind of lyrics your
Soul most likes. I know which sounds will become
Resplendent in your mind and bring such pleasure
Your feet will jump and whirl.
I have no use for divine patience -- my lips are always
Burning and everywhere. I am running from every corner
Of this world and sky wanting to kiss you.
I am rioting at your door;
I am spinning in midair like golden falling leaves
Trying to win your glance.
I am sweetly rolling against your walls and shores
All night, even though you are asleep. I am singing from
The mouths of animals and birds. . . to let
you know the Beautiful Truth.
Awesome! I was moved to tears. I love it.
The poem, I mean. Not the tears....
Thanks, sallyann.