Quote:Students don't know the right questions to ask in order to refute the Propaganda of Darwinism.
Asking a question does not refute.
1) If nature, or some aspect of it, is intelligently designed, how can we tell?
By its lack of extinction, cf. the steam engine.
2)The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) is a scientific research program that searches for signs of intelligence from distant space. Should biologists likewise search for signs of intelligence in biological systems?
No, biologists seek for signs of life.
3)How do we account for the complex information-rich patterns in biological systems?
4)Do any structures in the cell resemble machines designed by humans?
5)What are irreducibly complex systems? Do such systems exist in biology? If so, are those systems evidence for design? If not, why not?
No, if they were irreducibly complex then design would be impossible.
6)Human designers reuse designs that work well. Life forms also repeat the use of certain structures (the camera eye, for example). Is this evidence for common descent, evolutionary convergence, common design, or a combination of these?
A snowflakes structure does not depend upon a designer.
7)In trying to understand biological systems, molecular biologists often need to “reverse engineer” them. Is this evidence that the systems were engineered to begin with?
No, it's an example of sophistry.
8)Do intelligent design theory and neo-Darwinian theory make different predictions?
Yes, ID predicts a priori a supernatural being whereas evolution is based upon empirical observation.
9)What evidence would convince you that intelligent design is true and neo-Darwinism is false?
Any shred of evidence, the merest strand, would be sufficient.
10)Can we determine whether an object is designed without identifying or knowing anything about its designer? For instance, can we identify an object as an ancient artifact without knowing anything about the civilization that produced it?
Yes, we can imagine all manner of things.