Thu 2 Sep, 2004 07:07 am
A physical question about intermolecular action judgment
Uses a chalk to write above the blackboard, the blackboardabove can appear the chalk character, and at the end of the chalkcannot fall. What did this phenomenon show? Why at the end of thechalk can't fall? Asks everybody to make has the basis the reply.Thanks!
If everybody had the answer, please use e-MAIL to inform me
My e-mail is
[email protected]
zher55555; while it is always pleasant to see someone who's language is other than English attempt to communicate on an English language forum, i am afraid your post was unsuccessful, as it makes no sense at all.
I would suggest that you seek help in haveing your question translated, and then repost it, if you hope to receive answers at all.
[you might be talking about 'autokinesis', look it up!]
Are you asking why chalk sticks to a blackboard?
oh,my god
I said am the intermolecular action
sorry my english is very bad
I use the translation software. Comes to translate Chinese English,therefore can have very many wrongly asks everybody to forgive!