@cicerone imposter,
Thanks for that, but much as I leapt to read and have read, I'm not italian. Of the people here that get it, one was my pal, Paola, may she rest in peace; they lived in Rome and New York, where Diane and she and met. She was dying then and knew it and told me, but still had some pep. Her husband's family, also there in NY then, was from Turin and he was well established in the news business, Turin being one of the most interesting places in Italy. I didn't get there, and should have, irritated at self..
I had a lover, years ago of course, who was from a sicilian mafia family in the u.s, who denied there was such a thing as the mafia. He was right, re logistics. Many mafias.
Re jews, much bad happened there, and I've read at length, including re the start of ghettos..
But, I've also read some small amount of good stuff, a place starting with P where people held on in caves (Pitigliano? that is a guess) helped by the population or some of it; some carabinieri warning before the raids in Rome...
An a2ker who knows the place, was Olivier - who recently left a2k.