Is that supposed to insult me?
You're telling me more of these opinions humans have about others.
It's my opinion of myself that counts, not yours. Especially when another uses it as yet another device intend to make the other person feel shame and deny it.
You'll notice I don't give my opinion of anything about you. That's because who you are is none of my business.
I am proud of myself, and I am an important person. I feel both these things in a very healthy and natural way.
I'm also moral, and ethical, helpful and kind to my fellow man and animals.
I'm certainly not one to cower over a mish mash of myths, non sensical childrens stories and warnings and threats from people who are suffering from delusions.
Pride? Feeling like one has importance in life? Having this brought to the attention of someone with the intent to shame them is yet another tool of a narcissist.
I can't take it personally what another says. Especially one who uses the "it's just that....." garbage, which is intended to take any responsibility away from the speaker for any insult they fling after it, because "it's just that...." Like you're powerless to not finish the sentence, because of the extrordinary force of the person who "just" insists on not falling into ones parameters of behavior that's acceptable to them.
It is absolutley driving your crazy. That's why you keep responding. I respond back to show I'm on to your and others like you, game.
So now, I don't need to do that again.