Fri 20 Aug, 2004 09:54 pm
This month my brother installed universal dish with the dish network.
The $200 dish is free if you subscribe to America's Top 60 channels+ something else in addition.
He decided TOP 60 must be more than enough, and signed the agrrement. Now he can't even watch Olimpics, there are no sports, no movies, just comercial/sales channels, religion, lots of chineze channels and alike stuff which no one wants to watch.
Is there any way to cancel the agreement with Dish Network without paying the $240 cancellation fee and any of their additional fees?
He was not provided the channels list before the agrrement was signed.
Does anybody has successfull cancellation experience?
I canceled mine before a year was up, I don't remember what kind of contract I sighed, but I didn't get hit with any charges for canceling in less then a year. I got my dish from radio shack, I don't know if that makes a differice. Every timed it rained, or I had snow and ice, I lost it, so I went back to cable, It may be a little more, but its more depenapel.