Rebooting and updating this old music game.
Ladies and gentlemen, here is a very common and relatively simple forum game.
1. Open your favorite streaming music service or digital music library:
Pandora Radio, etc...;
2. Put it on shuffle;
3. Press play;
4. For every category, type in the song and artist that's playing;
5. Go to a new category, press the next button to go to the next random song, type it under that category. Etc... until the categories are full (1 song per event category);
6. Try and not skip songs if possible, that's the fun of this musical exercise, the whimsical outcome. Besides, you will find a lot of music can be strangely relevant to a lot of these categories even if at first glance they seem to conflict. RULE OF THUMB: You could veto at least one random song/category pairing.
Opening Credits:
Waking Up:
First Day At School:
Falling In Love:
Breaking Up:
Mental Breakdown:
Getting back together:
Birth of Child:
Swan song:
Death Scene:
Funeral song:
End Credits: