Gargamel wrote:I didn't know that about the Manchester scene. I am told I have to see "24 Hour Party People."
it's a very good movie, and a very good soundtrack
i loved making mix tapes, and now make many mix cd's to introduce people to music they won't hear on the radio
i have a standard intro and ending i use, i start with an edit of "american pie"
A long, long time ago I can still remember how that music used to make me smile and I knew if I had my chance that I could make those people dance and maybe they'd be happy for a while but February made me shiver with every paper I delivered, bad news on the door step, I couldn't take one more step, I can't remember if I cried when I read about his widowed bride but something touched me deep inside, the day, the music, died.
and follow this with negativland's song "announcement", the song starts with the sound of a switch being clicked and then a spoken announcement from the producers of the record
Naah, I don't like that.
(Well, try just putting a, even if it takes a hair more time,
putting a little bit more....little rise thing on your exit.)
(Track 13....)
This announcement from the producers of this record contains
important information for radio program directors, and is not for broadcast.
The first cut on this record has been cross-format-focused for
airplay success. As you well know, a record must break on radio in order to
actually provide a living for the artists involved. Up until now, you've
had to make these record-breaking decisions on your own, relying only on
perplexing intangibilities like taste and intuition.
But now, there's a better way.
The cut that follows is the product of newly-developed
compositional techniques, based on state-of-the-art marketing analysis
technology. This cut has been analytically designed to break on radio. And
it will, sooner or later.
For the station that breaks it first, the benefits are obvious. You
lead the pack. Yes, no matter what share of this crazy market you do
business in, no other release is going to satisfy your corporation's
current idea of good radio like this one. On this cut, we're working
together, on the same wavelength, in scientific harmony.
But remember, this cut is const
ructed for multi-market-breaking
NOW. Don't waste valuable research with needless delay. We've done the hard
work of insuring your success; the final step is up to you.
after a splendid mix of music i end the same way i began with an excerpt from "american pie"
I met a girl who sang the blues and I asked her for some happy news but she just smiled and turned away, I went down to the sacred store where I'd heard the music years before but the man there said the music wouldn't play and in the streets the children screamed, the lovers cried, and the poets dreamed but not a word was spoken, the church bells all were broken and the three men I admire most, the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, they caught the last train for the coast, the day, the music, died, and they were singin...
They were singin... Bye, bye Miss American Pie drove my Chevy to the levy but the levy was dry an them good ol' boys were drinkin whiskey and rye singin this will be the day that I die.