Thu 12 Aug, 2004 07:40 pm
recently a radio show called "definitely not the opera" on the cbc, asked listeners to send in opening lines that really make a song great
so what are some of your favourites
here's gordon lighfoots - canadian raiload trilogy
There was a time in this fair land when the railroad did not run
When the wild majestic mountains stood alone against the sun
Long before the white man and long before the wheel
When the green dark forest was too silent to be real
Hello darkness my old friend
I've come to talk to you again
--Simon and Garfunkle
You've got a chemistry class
I want a piece of your mind
You don't know what you started
When you mixed it up with mine
--Elvis Costello (Chemistry Class)
When the music's over
When the music's over, yeah
When the music's over
Turn out the lights
Turn out the lights
Turn out the lights, yeah
Flag Day
Too many Florence Nightingales
Not enough Robin Hoods
Too many halos not enough heroes
Coming up with the goods
Lightfoot's songs really define Canada's natural beauty. I always liked that about him.
I really like this one:
Drive west on Sunset
To the sea
Turn that jungle music down
Just until we're out of town
Steely Dan
A lot of action in just 4 lines
'You're such an inspiration for the ways that I will never, ever choose to be.'
A Perfect Circle
Unfortunately, yes! Worked all day at the full-time job and then from six to eleven-thirty at the part-time job.....which, of course, caused a second wind!
I hate when that happens!
Andre Hazes, Een beetje verliefd ("A little in love")
In een discotheek
zat ik van de week
En ik voelde mij daar zo-o alleen
't Was er warm en druk
Ik zat naast een lege kruk
Ik verlangde zo naar jo-ou
(In a discotheque
I was sitting the other week
And I felt so-o alone
It was warm and crowded
I was sitting next to an empty stool
and I longed so for yo-ou)
Supreme, heartfelt kitsch.
Another Dutch one:
Zwarte Riek, M'n wiegie was een stijfselkissie ("My cradle was an empty starch-crate")
De ooievaar kwam aangevlo-ogen,
M'n moeder keek angstig omhoog.
Ze was bezig koppies an 't drogen,
Toen ie bij ons binnenvloo-og ...
(The stork it came flying alo-ong
My mother, she looked up anxiously
She was just wiping dry some cups
When it came flying i-in ...)
Wonderful nimh. Thanks for the bump.
Another Steely.
Sorry, they are my fave lyricists...
In the mornin you go gunnin'
For the man who stole your water
And you fire till he is done in
But they catch you at the border
And the mourners are all singin'
As they drag you by your feet
But the hangman isn't hangin'
And they put you on the street
Just A Few Things That I Ain't
The Beautiful South
When you called me a useless druggie
At least you got half of it right
When you called me a hopeless alcoholic
I'm only hopeless after nine at night
My heart's not ready for the rocking chair
I need somebody who really cares
so tired of livin' solitaire
someday i'm gonna be
safe in the arms of love.
The warden threw a party in the county jail.
As sung by Jake and Elwood.
One of the most bizarre homo-erotic numbers Elvis ever did...and the set?...phew
Spanish Johnny drove in from the underworld last night
With bruised arms and broken rhythm and a beat-up old Buick but dressed just like dynamite
incident of 57th street
bruce springsteen
I heard there was a secret chord
that David played and it pleased the lord
but you don't really care for music do you -- Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen