Thu 12 Aug, 2004 05:03 pm
I currently live in Chicago, but soon I'll be moving overseas, where the voltage requirement is 220. So I'm trying to figure out what exactly I need to buy in orther to be able to plug in my electronics over there.
Does anyone know what I sould be looking for? I figure that my computer's surge protector (one of those Belkin SurgeMaster from Dell) already does the trick, doesn't it?
Please help!
Typically, you'll fimd not only does foreign voltage differ, but also the line frequency. A surge protector will do nothing about either circumstance. If your stay abroad is going to be of relatively short duration, with return to the US expected within weeks to perhaps a few months, you should obtain voltage converters. Apart from voltage and frequency, you'll find also that the wall plugs differ, so you want to be sure your voltage converters have the proper adapters. As if that's not enough, there are considerations to be made amog the different voltage converters, too. A converter must be able to handle the load (in watts) it is to service, plus about a 50% fudge factor. Finally, to add to the fun, a converter suitable for operating motorized equipment, such as a shaver or a blender or a vacuum cleaner is not suitable for operating essentially electronic items, such as computers, cell phone chargers, and audio/video components.
Oh, and if among the stuff you're thinking of bringing is TV/Video stuff, don't bother; the display protocols in use elsewhere in the world are incompatible with the US NTSC standard. Converters are available, but likely worth neither the bother nor expense. And that doesn't even take into account the DVD Region thing ... another speedbump for ya there, too. Then there is the fact foreign cellphone systems generally are incomatible with those typically in use in the US. All in all, communications and A/V entertainment devices made for the US market are mostly deadweight elsewhere.
If your stay abroad is to be lengthy, your best and most practical course of action might be to dispose of your US-centric stuff and replace it with product intended for the region in which you're going to be.
So, I assume you weren't referring to power surge as in hot flash?
Sorry, sometimes I can't help myself...
Bet you was a lousy nun, huh?