Thu 12 Aug, 2004 04:53 am
My friend who is constantly texting has developed stiffness in her thumb and she is in constant pain.
Are their any other problems that people have faced using their mobile or any other technology?
Nintenditis, sore thumbs from using video game controllers.
Carpal tunnel syndrome - though you can also get it if you are a pianist.
Eyestrain- from constantly looking at a computer monitor.
Spreading hips- From sitting at a computer, rather that going out to exercise.
I've heard of people getting tendinitis (msplld?) and some other joint related conditions as a result of frequent repetitive typing, etc.
I have HUGE thumb muscles from too much nintendo. I absolutely rock in thumb wars, and I'm not joking.
Thanks guys for all your responses, I found it quite interesting that you all have similar ailments.
My friend seems to think that playing video games turns you into an unsociable person, what do you think?
Phoenix 32890- Thats a good point of view you've raised and I can totally see where your coming from.
Do you feel that technology has any other consequences apart from physical ailments?
I think that it affects your mental health, in regards to in the past where people remebered most if not all the numbers that was of great importance and now that they've got a mobile they barely know their own number.
Oh, I don't have carpal tunnel, was just telling you what people can suffer. I have a little tendonitis, which is very, very different from carpal tunnel, which is quite a serious ailment.
Thanks for your response jespah! and its a good job you don't have carpal tunnel!