Wed 17 Feb, 2016 07:59 am
One of our holy . . . er, religiously devout members started a thread about the disciple whom Jesus loved. Jesus was gay? Who knew ? ? ?
What are your thoughts on this startling revelation?
HE always seemed happy enough to me. dont you think?
It could be a clue that at the last supper he held up a biscuit covered with gravy and said, "This is my body. Eat me."
Ed I've had thought a2k Christians might be offended by that, until I broke out in laughter
Another thing . . . how come in Jesus pictures, he never looks Jewish?
Jesus? Gay? Never thought about it before.,.,,
I suppose it sort of ties in with the Abba thing.
..and who says that he was even light-skinned or Caucasian?
people with heart conditions should NOT eat hard cheeses because of the extra Vitamin K in the Parmesan or Asiago, **** the wood pulp.
Are you referring to Kraft Jeesus?
Wrong thread, I fucked up.
An excerpt from Wiki article on the historical man called Jesus:
"Claims about the appearance or ethnicity of Jesus are mostly subjective, based on cultural stereotypes and societal trends rather than on scientific analysis."
...and, furthermore...
Notwithstanding recent critics of the fella's postings, #.....827 above positively hilarious
Thanks also to Man and Tim for good spirits the rest of the day
I did not realize that Buddy Hackett looked like Jesus
What a thoroughgoing jackass . . . you'd choke to death rather than use my screen name. What a dickhead.
That guy on the left definitely looks gay . . .
Quote:. . . you'd choke to death rather than use my screen name
Alas #....247, then may I abbreviate it