Fri 6 Aug, 2004 05:29 pm
Personally, I prefer labrador retrievers, chocolate to be exact, but what is your favorite?
We LOVE our beagle for an in house pet, but I have a personal fondness for Australian cattle dogs. They are so smart. Would likely have one if I still lived on a farm.
I have two dalmations, before that, I had one dalmation. I've always been crazy for them.
After paying exhorbinate vet bills for two out of the three dogs, next time I'm going for a lovely mutt.
I'm pretty partial to mutts myself ... got a bunch of 'em, rangin' from small and yappy (that one I'm not too fond of, but Mrs Timber is

) to very, very big and sorta the "Strong, silent" type (he's the boss dog, and pretty much my personal fave).
I figure there ain't no "Best Dog", and I figure there are a helluvalot more bad dog owners than bad dogs. You prolly don't wanna get me goin' on that subject.
The best dog is the happy dog who is presently coming to greet you . . .
Yeah ... this'd be a mucher better world if we really were the folks our dogs seem to think we are.
Rescue me
any dog that needs to be saved, like I needed.
we really appreciate the second chance.
Cool story, kaleidosmith. That's pretty much what we do here at Castle Timber ... we take in pups considered "unadoptable" and work 'em back into society. Some of the pack is always more or less "passin' through" ... but they're all "our dogs", treated no differently than the "Core Dogs" while they're here. Sometimes its months, sometimes its a year or more, depending on how badly the pup's former owners screwed it up, but we find 'em good homes when they're ready and bring in new ones as slots open up.
Well, I am partial to corgis, now that I have met one personally. Before that I was partial to irish setters, something of an unusual choice, as most people start to laugh re irish setter ethereality, er, dumbness. I thought ours was incredibly smart but had a short attention span. We found him in a lumber yard... skin and bones. Quiet, docility itself. Until we fed him for a few days...
Both of these dogs were foundlings, though apparent purebreds, Pacco of my avatar being found hiking on his own down CA state highway 101. I am also keen on mutts, and fairly unkeen on the show world, though I will watch Westminster if I remember whenever it is on in March.
I hear poodles are the perfect dogs for me, as I tend toward allergies. But I don't tend towards poodlessssssssss, so far anyway.
My business partner's doberman is one wonderful dog, what a sweetie, the only male dog I have known with a mother complex.
mutts, without doubt.
(though i'll also admit a fondness for aussie cattle dogs. damn fine, rugged souls, they are.)