In a sense Den I'd agree; Because almost any complex object in our limited experience had been created, we assign the term also to the Universe, certainly the most complex thing we've yet encountered
So even those of us having the most remote religious leanings might cling to an instinctual, intuitive sense of Creation. But as I had said above, golly knows how many times, why does It even
hafta be created
I'm supposing with the buildup of knowledge and expansion of our reasoning power, if we don't get wiped out in the meantime by war or disease, it might become apparent that the Universe is proving to be necessary, that is, a natural phenomenon
The apodictical existential pantheist, however, will maintain this doesn't mean there's no God, only that She has existed forcever, the Universe Her body and all the activity therein her thinking; more and more apparent that any rejection of our concept leads to one or more contradictions or paradoxes
So, Den how have I gone wrong....