@donna downing,
I'd rather respect respectable people rather than any/all beliefs. There are a lot of beliefs out there that don't deserve respect. That a raped woman should be killed for having been raped. Stonings, ostracism, honor killings, beheadings, witch hunts, bloody crusades, terrorism, etc, based on religious beliefs. NAMBLA, Neo-naziism, Aum Shinrikyo, etc etc. No, thanks. I'll respect a person who behaves in a deserving manner, but not everyone's beliefs just because they're beliefs. Bad ideas deserve to be resisted.
I'm OK with the OP. If I'm going to re-restructure my whole lifestyle, worldview and cosmology based on someone's religious claims, I'm going to have to see some evidence this time. The first time, I was a believer just because I'd been raised in a believing society, and because it felt good to imagine an eternity in a blissful heaven. I've learned a lot about how to reason carefully and critically since then. So, with all due respect, I think I'll do my best to respect respectable people while at the same time calling bullshit on bullshit ideas.