Mon 2 Aug, 2004 08:44 pm
Greetings to all!
Im planing to buy Motorola E398 this month of August. Any suggestion about this phone? Is it worth buying for? Hope you can help by advising me. Im here in the phillipines and our system GSM.
Personally, I prefer the Motorola mx200 with smartphone OS. That's what I have.
Thanks for the info. Do you guys used this phone? mx2000 is expensive here in the philippines. Mostly I will just use it for text messaging. the E398 is P16000 here in manila. The exchange rate here is $1 = P56.
The mx200 is a smartphone, so it has an OS and can have many many different functions.
I can't speak for the economic concerns and whether it is a good deal for you, but I strongly recommend that if one is to spend money on a high-end phone, to do so with one that has a scalable OS.
I can add thousands of different functions to my phone because it has a Microsoft Operating System.
Heck, it plays 3D games like Doom.