if God is good

Reply Tue 17 Nov, 2015 09:30 pm
if God is good, and someone told me he controls all why is there death, why does he let people die like my mom who was a good person. why is there canser? why wars, crime and so on. how is god love when he makes all of this happen? if he loved me hw ouldnt allow so much pain would he?
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Type: Question • Score: 13 • Views: 7,065 • Replies: 40
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Reply Wed 18 Nov, 2015 08:09 am
You will get many different opinions, but here is my belief based on my Christian faith and my relationship with God. (I will make the answers brief. For a more thorough discussion, it might be best to talk to a minister.)

why is there death, why does he let people die like my mom who was a good person.
Because man, through Adam's sin, rejected God. Death came as a result of sin. Why do you believe God should step in and keep bad things from happening to us? Death comes to both good people and bad people with seeming randomness. Questioning God's "letting" something happen as though He owes you or I an explanation is not productive. Something I remind myself when I question why things happen is this: God is God and I am not. My brother passed away several months ago from cancer. He was relatively young (54) and had always been healthy. While it is easy for me to feel that it was unfair, I can look back and see much good that came from his time dealing with the cancer. Instead of wondering why God "let" him die, I choose to thank God for the years he gave me with my brother. While losing your mother is difficult, concentrate on the years God blessed you with her rather than asking the question of why that you will never really get an answer to or understand completely.

how is god love when he makes all of this happen?
He does not make any of this happen. People reject God and his moral standards and do what they wish to do with little regard for others.

if he loved me hw ouldnt allow so much pain would he?
I believe God does indeed love you. Sometimes, to grow stronger and become the person He intends for us to be, we have to learn to deal with pain.

I am guessing your mom's death was recent. I offer my condolences and prayers that you will at least find comfort in having loved her and been loved by her for the time she was here. It has been my experience that time really never takes away the grief, only changes it so that the pain of losing someone is not ever present. If you need to talk and don't wish to talk to anyone close to you, feel free to drop me a note to my inbox. I'd be glad to be an ear to listen and help if I can. God bless.
Reply Wed 18 Nov, 2015 12:15 pm
As with Rat above, Anna, the Canonist might provide reasons some of us consider contorted. However the apodictical existential pantheist has a simpler approach: First of all, She cannot be supernatural, She can only do what's possible. Hence the only way to promote the evolution of the Humanoid is upon the surface of a rock orbiting a hydrogen bomb, any attendant disadvantages such as you list, being unavoidable side effects
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Reply Wed 18 Nov, 2015 02:07 pm
You're assuming there's a God, and then go on to ascribe all of these contradictory characteristics to it.

Why don't you assume that there isn't a God with all of that attendant nonsense and be done with it?
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Reply Wed 18 Nov, 2015 02:14 pm
Many folks think I am a fool, but . . .
Here goes:

God did not create us to live for a while, then suffer and die.
If you read Genesis, ch. 3, you will discover God's perfect arrangement was challenged.

Since then, the world has been under control, not of God, but of the challenger, Satan. We can verify this by reading Matthew 4:8-10. If Satan was not in control of the kingdoms, he could not have offered them to Jesus.

So, the reason for the gospels, the good news, is that deliverance from this awful situation will occur in God's time. At that point, John 5:28, 29 assure us that you will be re united with your mom and all the pain mankind suffers will be wiped away.
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Reply Wed 29 Jun, 2016 11:46 am
You will die too. It is life. What you are complaining about is that your mom didn't live to be a certain age but in both cases it her eternal state that matters most, right. If she is with God she would not want you going on about how terrible things are.
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Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2016 03:08 pm
God is good, but he does not control all and how I know that is by this: 1 John 5:19 states that "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one." That wicked one is Satan the Devil.
(Revelation 12:7-10, 12) Says that when Satan is kicked out of heaven down on earth he was furious so he began causing trouble throughout the earth. Since then mankind's woes have increased.

I am deeply sorry about your mother. This scripture Revelation 21:4, "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes and death will be no more neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore."
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Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2016 08:18 pm
When God is good, he can be very, very good. But when he's bad, he can be......
Reply Sun 31 Jul, 2016 11:33 am
33, She's neither good nor bad (1) because She doesn't have full control of everything and (2) good and bad are relative to the speaker
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Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2016 06:05 am
I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your mom to cancer. My wife recently lost her mom to cancer as well. But what helped us to deal with her loss is what we learned about God from the Bible. For example, he shows that he is not to blame for the suffering people undergo today. I know you may have heard some people say: God won't put on you more than you can bear. But that is not what the Bible says. This is what the verse they think they are quoting from the Bible really says:

1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has come upon you except what is common to men. But God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make the way out so that you may be able to endure it.

Note that the verse says "He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear." In saying he will not let you be tempted, he makes it clear that he is not the source of the temptation or trial. But that someone else is harassing us. The Bible identifies this harasser to be Satan the devil. He is primarily responsible for the suffering we experience. But he also endeavors to shift the blame on to God in an effort to get us to blame God for our pain, when all the while it is Satan himself who is responsible. Consider how the Bible reveals this by reading Job 1:6-12 and Job 2:3-7.

Jehovah God further clarifies that he is not the cause of our suffering at James 1:13 where he says:

"When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried, nor does he himself try anyone."

Yes, Jehovah God is not the cause of suffering. And happily he reveals how he is going to reverse all of the bad things that have happened on this earth. Revelation 21:3, 4 reveals this wonderful promise:

"3 With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”

May what Jehovah has promised to accomplish through his dear son, The Lord Jesus Christ, bring comfort to you.
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Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2016 07:42 am
god has no power over free will, illness is a throw back to natural selection, god cant control humans only angels, but the draw back is god can control other factors not associated with free will, he chooses not too, basically don t rely on god for anything, sort problems out yourself it will make you stronger and better in the long run and be assured that although god is real he is also a jerk, and wont bother himself with individuals its all about the bigger picture.
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Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2016 08:41 am
Yes, life is temporary. We have only a human lifespan, and sometimes less, to figure out what is real and what is not.

Figuring that out is painful. It Hurts like hell but without any pain, we would probably sit down on our butts and not give a second thought to it.

I am sorry about your Mom. Welcome to life and pain. God does offer some comforts though..
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Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2016 11:57 am
IF your mother went to Eternal Bliss your questi0n is really about why you didn't die too at the same time. Do not complain on behalf of your mother. Where she is and how she is you do not know. NOr is being HERE always better.
STill, I am sorry for your suffering.
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Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2016 06:02 am
Hello annaluv, did you take an opportunity to consider the Scriptures that were mentioned earlier? They are

1 Corinthians 10:13; James 1:13 - God is not the cause of suffering or trials
Job 1:6-12 & Job 2:2-7 - Bible reveals Satan as the true cause and source of human suffering
1 John 5:28, 29; Revelation 21:3, 4 - The dead will be brought back to life. Death, pain sorrow and all suffering to be done away with forever.

I'm sure that if you prayerfully consider what the Bible has to says in theses texts, it will bring you comfort and provide a clear explanation as to why suffering exists and who is its sponsor.

Let me know if you have any questions.
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2016 12:15 pm
IF you take the Bible as Truth told be a Truth-teller why would you see what He says as proof of evil things intended and done? The only logical thing is to chuck the whole thing. But then you are admitting to its truthfulness is some way, right?
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2016 08:03 am
Could you explain what you mean? I don't think I understood your statement clearly.
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Reply Thu 11 Aug, 2016 10:30 am
Seems like despite all the moaning you don't quite buy your own tentative explanation.
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Reply Wed 28 Sep, 2016 11:07 pm
God is not bad.
Reply Thu 29 Sep, 2016 03:42 pm
trichakra wrote:

God is not bad.

Everyone's a critic these days. Nice review
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Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2016 12:25 am
Death is part of life. No one wants to die. People who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there.

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