Fri 20 Nov, 2015 09:53 pm - i had horrible time and had the people i stay with on fridays come get me....had a lot of embarrasing moments and there were guys there! (view)
Fri 20 Nov, 2015 09:42 pm - someone told me im an imature baby if i take naps.....just im always tired after school so its a schedule for me to try and lay down (view)
Fri 20 Nov, 2015 02:35 pm - true, just embarassed.....but one of the girls who usually are a jerk invited me to a sleepover really really excited never been to one (view)
Fri 20 Nov, 2015 02:21 pm - okay so i had my first true run in with highschool girls/guys and it wasnt good. basically my skirt was stuck in my underwear and they all made fun including cute guy i had a crush on of they type... (view)