Has Charlie Hebdo Comic Mocking Drowned Syrian Child Gone Too Far?
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September 16, 2015 by John Vibes
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Charlie Hebdo, the shock French comic who creates art for the sole purpose of being offensive has released one of his most controversial images yet, and this time many people are saying that he has gone too far.
Hebdo is known for his insensitive anti-Muslim work and has been celebrated by some as a fighter for free speech, specifically due to the fact that he intentionally crosses the line with every comic he releases. However, now even some of his strongest supporters are now disgusted with his newest release, which actually mocks Aylan Kurdi, the Syrian child who was photographed after he had drowned and washed up on a beach last week.
The image was accompanied by the message: “Welcome to the migrants… so close to the goal”, with a McDonalds billboard that said “Promotional offer: kids menu 2 for the price of 1.”
Hebdo commissioned Laurent “Riss” Sourisseau as the artist for the comic, the controversial artist responsible for the pictures earlier this year that sparked terrorist attacks in France. Also released with the gruesome image of the young Syrian child on the beach, was one of Jesus walking on water next to the boy while he was drowning.
This photo had the horrific message: “Proof that Europe is Christian – Christians walk on water – Muslim kids drown.”
This piece may finally be the straw that broke the camel’s back, and may lose the support of the misguided followers that Hebdo still has. Sure, he does have the right to free speech, and can say whatever he wants. However, that does not mean that people actually have to support him and his racist and xenophobic artwork. If he has the freedom to put out work like this, then other people have the right to openly reject it.
John Vibes writes for True Activist and is an author, researcher and investigative journalist who takes a special interest in the counter culture and the drug war.
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