Quote:one is merely a component of the other. 99% of real thinking people understand that
Right, Farmer.
"Evolution," in it's most basic sense, simply means something like "change over time." Virtually no one, not even those damn (gasp) hard-core, bible-thumping creationists, deny that "evolution," in that sense has occurred.
The problems arise when one undertakes to "explain" how and why that happened the way it did. Neo-Darwinism, as a theory of evolution, is more that "just" natural selection, of course. But it allocates a special place and function to natural selection, asserting that it is a "creative force" and the principal "driver" of evolution.
That assertion is problematical, to say the least. But from it, you can derive sub-sects, such as the hard-core dogmatists on the panadaptionist stripe. You might call them Darwinistic "fundies."