That sounds like a false dichotomy to me. Why can't a person be both a scientist and an entertaining writer? And why can't a person be both a scientist and an advocate for his or her beliefs about the presence or absence of any gods in the universe? In your opinion, did Kenneth Miller stop being a leading geneticist when he published a book professing his beliefs as a Darwinist Catholic? If not, how does that differ from Dawkins professing his beliefs as a Darwinist atheist?
I relize Im impugning a reputation here and it could be shown to be in poor form. BUT, Ill step in further.
Ken Miller and Richard Dawkinw dont have anything in common really. Miller teaches a full load and does his research which is published for review and comment (Peer review doesnt mean its RIGHT, it means that , aaccording to the standards of that crft, the work should be read ,discussed and judged. MANY pwer reviewed articles get lambasted by colleagues and the author must , once he gets out of the hospital, reset his sights and his report.
Dawkins, waaaay back, did write for pweer review AND, many scientists felt he should have sent "Selfish Gene" as several separate works as offerings in Genetics or some othr pub like EVOLUTION.
He didnt and he rose to the level of guys like Nick Wade or David Quaman who write a science journalists. (Actually, any real contribution to the literature by DAwkins IMHO was in the early 90's . He still is invited to submit "position papers" (mostly about whether Doctors should be trained in DArwinin thinking).
When Dawkins started assailing the religious folks, he has used his position as a scientist to assume a level of authority and thats disingenuous.
I understand your position about Dawkins, youve spoken in his support before and have always made cogent arguments.
HOWEVER, , when it comes to whether he is a working scientist or a science enetrtainer, we disagree . His net worth is over 150 Million bucks (US) so hes in the neighborhood of Stephen King, or maybe even JK Rowling,
Thats his crowd, IMHO